Baby Prewitt

*Camryn's First Week*

Here is the adventure of our first week at home...

The day we got home, we settled in and tried to become accustomed to our new life!! We loveee this baby girl!!

The first night was interesting...she did not want to sleep! We changed her, fed her, rocked her, changed her, fed her. It was trying. She finally went down well at about 3am and we slept for just a few hours. I got up at 6am and made a HUGE pot of coffee for Daryl and me and we just hung out all day, mainly in our room, with Camryn, trying to get used to home life with her! I was loving it!

Thursday night was pretty hard. We were still tired from the night before and Camryn wouldn't sleep well either. We discovered that she's a pretty gassy baby and does NOT like to be wet. AT ALL. I helped her poop a little by a rectal temp, but we still barely got 5hrs of sleep that night. I was still pretty sore at this point, so I was trying to take it easy...easier said than done!

Friday was her newborn follow up appt. We took her to Dr. Dionisio in Farmville and she has gained back 4 out of 7oz that she lost at the hospital. Her color is a little jaundiced looking, so we have another appt for her on Tues, November 8 to just be sure she is doing well. The doctor told us to give 1 tsp Karo Syrup in each bottle for Camryn to help her have stools. So, we were going to try that. She then had newborn photos...which are going to be GORGEOUS. She is such a pretty baby and her skin is beautiful. I love chubby cheeks!! I began to get pretty tired and sore pretty quick so we headed back home and napped! Needless to say she slept very well Friday night, and we did too!

Saturday we had some friends visit, Tim and Steph. Steph fell in love with Cam :)  It's hard not to, with the little snuggle bug that she is! Then late Saturday night, when Daryl was feeding her, she had a HUGE blowout diaper. haha. He looked at me with huge eyes and said "Uhhmmm what was that??" HaHa. That was a two-person changing job! So funny. She didn't sleep as good that night, but I think her tummy was gurgling. Poor baby.

Sunday was mom's birthday, so her and dad came over and we had steaks on the grill. Dad kept Cam awake and talked to her alot, then we bathed her and fed her and put her down and she slept great!!

<<I have been debating for the past week over breastfeeding, bottle feeding, pumping, all mind changes daily. I would love to be nursing her strictly, but after I do, everytime, she gets fussy and turns red and then screams! I feel like it's hard on her, and with formula, she does great. I am so up in the air about it. Plus, Daryl loves feeding her and holding her. So, for now, we are doing a little bit of everything to see what works. I obviously only want what is best for her, so I will do what needs to be done to make her feel good.>>

Then, here we are at Monday, November 7th...

 HAPPY ONE WEEK BABY GIRL!! What did we ever do without you?!


Our sweet, sweet baby girl...
*Camryn Lynette Prewitt*
Born 10/31/2011 @ 12:19 pm
8lbs 5oz
20 3/4" long

Here is the detailed, yet very abbreviated version of my labor and the birth of Miss Camryn Lynette.

Saturday, October 29, Daryl and I dropped off our pups at the kennel and ran a few errands. We then went back home and straightened up and packed up the car. Then off to my parents we went. We stayed at their house Saturday night because we rode with them Sunday morning to the hospital. We had dinner, watched TV, and just relazed.... although I know Daryl and I were so nervous we could hardly stand it! We went to bed sort of late, then got up at 5:30am to call the hospital to be sure there was a bed and room reserved for me for my induction. Indeed there was, and we were told to arrive between 7:30 and 8:00am. So, here is where the journey began!!...

Daryl made me a turkey and cheese sandwich and a big glass of water to try to hold me over through the labor. HaHa. Little did I know...once we got to the hospital, mom and dad parked and we registered. We were sent up to L&D Room 3. My nurse was Megan, and she was great. My doctor came in to check me at 9am and I was 2-3cm and 70% effaced. Better than last time! So, we started my IV and Pitocin, and we were on our way!

Daryl's parents and sister came to give their support and then my sister showed up as well! Nice little support system  :)

Around 3pm, I started to get pretty uncomfortable because the contractions were picking up in the front. I decided to ask for an epidural. Well, I flinched the first time, so we had to redo it. Fun. But then it took pretty decent for a while. The doctor came in to check me around 6pm, and I was at 4cm and 80% effaced. She broke my water and let me tell you...I soaked three full-sized towels. The nurse said it was a good thing I didn't have that happen in public because it would have been a "clean up on aisle 4". Wow. HaHa. They put an internal fetal monitor on Camryn because she was so active still and they couldn't get a good pickup of her heartrate. No biggie at that point. More waiting... and into October 31, we go.

We all slept, and watched TV, and slept. It was a little bit of a blur to me. I started having some back labor around 3am or so, and then came and gave me a bolus in my epidural. I had to keep rolling over because my hips would hurt after laying on one side for too long, too. I got nauseated and got Zofran. YadaYada. Then they had to change my room because of some maintenance work being done outside of my current room... a little frustrated, but whatever. I was too tired to even care at tht point.

At 6am, the doctor came in to check me once again...STILL 4cm and 90% effaced. I was getting very frustrated as it had been 12hrs since they broke my water. She told me to sit tight and that we would discuss c-section options at the 24hr mark of induction (10am). Soooo frustrated. I went back to sleep.

At about 9:15am, I called the nurse in to tell her I was having pretty severe back labor. I was lying on my right side when she checked me and was 6-7cm and almost 100%. I rolled over then to my left side and just continued to wait. Within 30 minutes, I called her back and told her to check me because I knew I needed to push. She told me to just hang in there, and I said "No, check me now or I am going to start pushing. She did, and 10cm I was!! She called the doctor and told me to not push yet. Easier said then done. All the nursery nurses got everything set up, and it was time...

I began pushing at 10:15ish, with Daryl holding one leg and a nursing student holding another. Mom stood beside me and Kristen was my designated "push counter". Well, after about 30 minutes of pushing with SEVERE backlabor, my BP went up to the 170's and 180's and Camryn's heartrate was in the 180s. My temp was also going up, so they gave me Tylenol. I was put on a non-rebreather for oxygen and let me tell you...I was in sooooo much pain. The nurses were amazing, though. Daryl was awesome, but I could tell he felt helpless. I believe the epidural wore off before I even started pushing. And backlabor is the worst pain I have ever felt. The doctor came in around 12pm and told me he wanted to discuss ways to 'help' get Camryn out because she was face up and was not coming out on her own. He and I opted for the vacuum (well, mostly he did, I just said 'get her out!). They put my legs in stirrups and Daryl stood by my side. I had oxygen on, was crying (still, after 2hrs of pushing), and felt miserable. The next thing I knew, it felt like I was literally being tortured...the vacuum was the most painful thing I have ever felt. I believe now he was turning her while she was in the birth canal. I screamed soooo loud and begged him to stop. I looked over and poor Daryl and my sister were bawling and faces were red and mom walked into the bathroom for a few seconds because she couldn't stand it. Then, the doctor said "Ok, here we go..." and out came Miss Camryn. She opened her eyes and then we heard that precious "Wahhh". Daryl cut the cord and they took her to get her cleaned up. She was then brought to me (while I was being stitched up...ATLEAST 20 stitches due to four tears...OUCH!). She was a miracle. Daryl was still crying. It was so amazing. Words cannot even express how amazing it is when you first look at your child. :*)

We stayed in the hospital for two days and went home Wednesday, November 2 at 12:15pm. Camryn came home in the gown I wore 25 years ago, as we planned. When we walked in the door with our baby girl, it was surreal. She was beautiful, and alllll ours  <3

*Almost 38 weeks*

Well, I am sitting here, BORED as all get out, thinking I want to get up and just CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN!!! (Nesting?) Daryl is in school and I am sitting here watching TV, like I have been doing all day long. This morning, we had a 5hr power outage (I knew about it already) for the power company to try to figure out why we keep losing power randomly. So, I got up early, showered (in case I have to go to the hospital haha), and then ate breakfast and took a Tylenol PM. I laid back down and slept for a few hours to let the power be able to come back on. I got some gooooood sleepage, as did the dogs! HaHa. Anyway, here is how this past week went...

So, today is Wednesday, October 26, and I am 37weeks 5days. The past week has been somewhat eventful for me, regardless of the fact that I am on bedrest and doing a whole lot of nothing!! Last Friday night, I had some BAD back pains and woke up at midnight...then I started cramping. I did not want to wake up Daryl until I KNEW they were real contractions, so I just got up and walked around. I called my mom and talked to her for a while, drank some water, used the bathroom, and laid down. Well, I woke up four hours later, so being able to sleep through them means...NOT REAL. Darn! But that's ok. She's just not quite ready!! Saturday we went and visited mom and dad and had dinner. They are SO SO SO excited about their granddaughter's arrival! Dad got excited because he got to feel Cam have the hiccups again haha. So funny  :) We relaxed the rest of the weekend and did ALOT OF NOTHING Sunday. Great day :)

Monday I got a nice little visit from Melissa, one of my good friends, and her one month old baby girl, Addison. Melissa looks awesome! and Addi is just too frieken adorable!! Makes me super excited and anxious!!

TUESDAY was our big day...appointment day! We went in wondering if I would be sent on to the hospital....and, nope. I won't lie, I was a LITTLE bummed out. But, in reality I guess it's a good thing. My BP was much better, 132/82, and my swelling has gone down. Camryn was all over the place during my NST, and she looks great. I got checked (OUCH) and I am now 1cm dilate and 50% effaced!! WooHoo for progress! We got the offical paper that says "Scheduled induction" we are meeting our little Camryn on Sunday, October 30! STOKED!! I got crampy afterwards, however, but I kept thinking I wanted to go do a few errands. We finished up my mom's Christmas gift and by the time we were done at the store, I felt like I was going to drop a watermelon out of my belly. So needless to say, we left and I went home and napped!!!!!

Then here we are, back at Wednesday morning. I got up and after I showered, I was crampy. After thinking about it, I won't go into super details (no telling who reads this lol), but I am pretty positive I lost my mucous plug this morning around 0645. So, I am hoping that is a good sign!! We will see...I would LOVE to go into labor on my own and not be induced.

Annnnywho, I wanted to get this written in case I do head to the hospital before planned. So, at the next blog, I will either be heading to the hospital or posting pics of my baby girl!! See ya later!!! <3

**How far along? 37w5d down now, only 4 days left now!!

**Total weight gain/loss: +1 lbs... good news for me!! (With the rate that I was gaining in the middle, I have kept my weight gain wayyy lower than I thought it would end up being. So I am proud!! haha)

**How Big is Baby?  She wass measuring 8lbs & 38w5d at 37weeks!! Big girl!!
**Maternity clothes? Good Lord yes. I'm growing out of them through the belly area though. haha

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> hahaha YUP. Whatever.

**Best moment this week: Just hearing her heartbeat again and finding out that I am progressing!!

**Movement: Yupp...they're slowing down a little because she's running out of room!!
**Food cravings: Orange Juice <3 and peaches again.

**Nausea/vomitting? Not really...just some headaches.

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: Crazy cramping and some back pains....nothing regular though.

**Belly Button in or out? It's an inny-outty now...depending on what she's doing in there!
**Sleep: Up every 2hours (or more) to go pee... I can't sleep for more than 2hrs on one side or it gets stiff and I hurt really bad. Also, I wake up and my fingers hurt sooo bad. I have pregnancy carpal tunnel  :(

*37 WEEKS*

Well here we are at 37 weeks... FULL TERM!!

The above picture is of me at a craft shop, shopping (very quickly, bc I get tired very easily) with Momma. I look hugeeee!!

Well, this past week was my very first full, official week out of work since I got taken out. It was ok at first, but now I am starting to get a little stir crazy. I am trying to find productive things to do that aren't hard on me. I get tired really easily and take a lot of naps, which is nice. It feels sometimes, when I am sitting on the couch just watching tv or whatever, that Camryn is trying to 'claw her way out'... it's like a grating feeling in my lower pelvis region. Strange, but I was told that it is her head just descending to get ready for birth!! So, that's fine with me then  :)

Mom went to VA Beach last weekend to visit Kristen, my sister, and I did get a little nervous about her being far away. Thankfully, nothing happened! Dad's Christmas gift came in and that is ready to go, and we are just waiting on mom's to come in now. Trying to get this stuff together before our little one's arrival!!

Well, then came the appointment on some good news!! Daryl had class all day and is trying to not miss any since she will be coming so soon, so he went on and mom went with me to our appointment. We got there and my BP was 153/99, then she retook it and it was 155/105. NOT GOOD. The nurse tried to start preaching to me about what to eat and what to not eat...and I just looked at her like she was a retard. I'm thinking 'Look lady, I had this condition before pregnancy, and I eat very well. LEAVE ME ALONE'. So, I think she kind of got the message. The NST went well and Miss Camryn was very active!! We had an US too, to check her growth. She is measuring 8lbs and 38w5d!! Big girl for being only 37 weeks!! But I love chubby babies :)  Oh yeah...and she has hair!! Cannot WAIT to meet her!! ...thennnn we went and saw the doctor. She was not happy with my blood pressure again, so she decided to hold off on checking my cervix this week since there was no progress last week. Then she said the magic words to me "I think we are going to go ahead and schedule an induction for you because of these blood pressures." So, we are scheduled for induction on Sunday, October 30, 2011!! Soooo stoked!! She gave me a prescription for Fioricet, which will help with the horrible headaches I have been having lately, too (and when I say lately, I mean pretty much daily, 2-3x per day, in fact).

Well, here are the updates for the week...see ya next week...the last few days before Camryn arrives!!

**How far along? 37 down now, only 9 days left now!!

**Total weight gain/loss: -2 lbs... good news for me!!

**How Big is Baby?  She is measuring 8lbs & 38w5d!! Big girl!!
**Maternity clothes? Good Lord yes. I'm growing out of them through the belly area though. haha

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable... holler at some Mederma post-partum!

**Best moment this week: Hearing her heartbeat and finding out that we are being induced Oct 30!! <3

**Movement: Yupp...they're slowing down a little because she's running out of room!!
**Food cravings: Orange Juice <3 and pumpkin pie. haha

**Nausea/vomitting? Yeah nausea and headaches together  :(

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks still... sometimes I think they're actually contractions, but not regular.

**Belly Button in or out? It's an inny-outty now...depending on what she's doing in there!
**Sleep: Up every 2hours (or more) to go pee... I can't sleep for more than 2hrs on one side or it gets stiff and I hurt really bad. Also, I wake up and my fingers hurt sooo bad. I have pregnancy carpal tunnel  :(

**Some of Camryn's Nursery**

Here are some updated pics of Camryn's nursery!! Enjoy!!

Camryn's wall in her nursery, above her crib!!

Camryn's bassinet that she'll be sleeping in for the first few months!!

This is the dress that I came home in from the hospital, 25 years ago!!
And... it is also the dress that Camryn will wear home :)

*36 weeks*

Sooo much happened this week, 36 weeks!! So few weeks left, and getting so excited!!

Well, here I am, about to run a few quick errands...trying to get a little more use out of my maternity scrub pants before I don't need them anymore!!   :)

Well, this past Thursday (I guess this kind of runs into the last post), I had a HORRIFIC headache that I just couldn't shake. I took Tylenol, put cool rags on my head, walked around...nothing helped. So, I called the nursing supervisor at midnight and called in sick to work for Friday. I felt so awful and laid around all day. I couldn't kick that headache. I rested alot over the weekend and just watched football with my hubby.

Monday I was put on call until noon, and Daryl and I put up Camryn's wall mural (you'll see it in the next post...sooo pretty!). They called me in to work at noon and I worked half the day. Tuesday we stayed home and did a lot of nothing. I worked again Wednesday and just felt really slow. I had a headache again and felt really tired, but I kept on truckin'! Then, come Thursday, here's where it gets interesting...

Thursday morning, Daryl and I got up and went on to our 36week appointment. I got there and felt fine, but when I stepped on the scale just before they hooked me up to the monitor for my NST, I actually gained 6lbs! I thought to myself, 'This cannot be good'. I didn't say anything yet, gave them my urine sample, and sat down for the monitoring. When the nurse took my blood pressure, Daryl's jaw read 157/102. I said "That can't be right...check it again in a few minutes". She did, and it read 164/104. I knew that was bad news. The NST went great though, and Cam was super active! Once it was over, we headed over to talk to my doctor...

She came in to talk to me, and her first words were "So we're taking you out of work and putting you on bedrest, girl!" I knew it. I didn't want to go out yet, but I know it's what is best for Camryn and me. (I had trace protein in my urine, high BP, gained alot of weight, and my hands and feet/legs were swollen...also the headaches and nausea...all are signs of preeclampsia.) They checked me and NO PROGRESS...No dilation or effacement and her head is still reallllly high. UGH. I was so frustrated  :( But they then rechecked my BP and it was 128/78. Much better. So, they sent me for PIH labs and I have to do a 24hr urine before my next appt to check me for preeclampsia. Then, home I went. I called my manager and she was very understanding. So, my last day of work was October 13, and I return to work January 7...just very happy that I get to be out with my baby girl and hubby through the whole holiday season! I am so blessed!!

Other notes...I have been very crampy and just keep hoping!! I hope she holds out until full term (next week), then I am READY!! Daryl finished packing for the hospital and her carseat is ready to go in the car! We just cannot wait now :)

Here are week 36's stats...see ya next FULL TERM!! :)

**How far along? 36 down now, 4 or less to go!!

**Total weight gain/loss: +6 lbs... I am showing signs of preeclampsia...ergo, bedrest. Ugh.

**How Big is Baby?  I don't know right now. We'll see next week at our 37wk US...They say ATLEAST 6lbs by now...I think she's bigger!! haha
**Maternity clothes? Good Lord yes. I'm growing out of them through the belly area though. haha

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable... holler at some Mederma post-partum!

**Best moment this week: Hearing her heartbeat again on the NST...that never gets old  :*)

**Movement: Yupp...all the time and I love it!! They're starting to hurt though... feels like she is trying to stretch out and well, there's just not enough room in there. So, I say, if ya come on out baby girl, you can stretch then!! hehe
**Food cravings: Just ICE COLD WATER. Again.

**Nausea/vomitting? Yeah nausea and headaches together  :(

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks still... sometimes I think they're actually contractions, but not regular.

**Belly Button in or out? It's an inny-outty now...depending on what she's doing in there!
**Sleep: Up every 2hours (or more) to go pee... I can't sleep for more than 2hrs on one side or it gets stiff and I hurt really bad. Also, I wake up and my fingers hurt sooo bad. I have pregnancy carpal tunnel  :(

*35 weeks*

Ohhhh hey 35 weeks!! 5 weeks or less now!!


This past week was sort of a blur...went by pretty fast. I had 5 days off (Thursday through Monday), and I thoroughly enjoyed it!! Daryl and I went with mom on Sunday to MawMaw and PawPaw's to visit. It was nice, having lunch and visiting with them! I hope things get better for them. PawPaw's Alzheimer's isn't getting any better, as he had to ask my mom who I was a few times  :(  Afterwards, we went to Babies R Us and got a few things, and Mom insisted that Daryl and I need a bottle steamer for YET AGAIN, momma bought it for us. She's so amazing!!<3 We got home sort of late, and I was more than ready to hit the couch!!

Monday, Daryl had school and I sat at home pondering childcare options for after I go back to work. I called 2 babysitters around the area and they both had no openings, so I called the daycare Little Feats and spoke with the owner. She said they have no openings but that one will open up in January. So, as long as Daryl and I could pay first week's tuition by the end of the week, we could hold the slot. NO PROBLEM!!!  :)

Well, I worked Tuesday and Wednesday, and same 'ol same 'ol. Swollen feet, sleepy... yeah yeah.

Thursday wasur next doctor's appt. Before the appt, Daryl and I did a dry run to the hospital from the highway so we'd know how to get there. We met up with a girlfriend of mine who actually works in L&D at Virginia Baptist (where I am delivering), who is ALSO due in a few weeks and she showed us around the unit!! It's very pretty! Then we had our appt. My NST went well... I am actually having contractions every few minutes, but as long as they still don't hurt, I am good to go. Cam's HR is still great and my BP was 120/76. My doctor is so pleased with my progress, as am I!!

I got all my winter clothes out and put away the summer clothes this week, too. Feels AWESOME to do that, because this is most definitely my favorite time of year!!...and this also means that it is getting close to time to meet our little baby girl<3

Here are this week's stats...see ya at 36!!!

**How far along? 35 down now, 5 or less to go!!

**Total weight gain/loss: No weight gain this week...I actually lost a pound!

**How Big is Baby?  I don't know right now. We'll see in 2 weeks at our 37wk Ultrasound! But, she FEELS big!!
**Maternity clothes? Good Lord yes. I'm growing out of them through the belly area though. haha

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable.

**Best moment this week: Hearing her heartbeat again on the NST...that never gets old  :*)

**Movement: Yupp...all the time and I love it!! They're starting to hurt though. Hiccups 2x per day...when I wake up and at 5ish at night!

**Food cravings: Just ICE COLD WATER

**Nausea/vomitting? Just a little nausea.

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: Hmm I don't think so yet...

**Belly Button in or out? It's an inny-outty now haha
**Sleep: Up every 2hours (or more) to go pee...roly poly Bonnie. HaHa But seriously, sleeping is sooo hard.

*34 weeks*

34 weeks!! 6 or less now, no matter what!!

Looks like I am hiding a pumpkin under my shirt!!

In the picture above, I just turned 34 weeks and decided it was time for a change...I got my hair cut into the inverted bob and lowlighted for the fall season!! I LOVE IT!!

I'm not going to lie, and since it is my blog, and I am going to whine just a little. The past week was rough on me. I worked the weekend, then off Monday, then back on Tuesday and Wednesday. On my one day off, Monday, Daryl had school, so I decided that maybe it was time to write our thank you notes for all the wonderful family and friends who have given us gifts for our baby girl! Well, talk about pregnancy carpal tunnel! My right middle and ring finger were stiff and hurt so bad!! Then we ran a few errands and hit the hay. I worked the next two days and was so swollen. I got a flu shot Tuesday during the day, but come Tuesday night, I got home and just sat on the edge of the bed and rocked myself. I really thought I was having contractions and was in pain. I called the OB dept at the hospital where I work and talked to them... they suggested I drink alot of water and try to rest. I did, but did not feel so great Wednesday morning. We discharged the one kiddo we had, and I went and laid down in an open room for the rest of the day. Knowing I had 5 days off coming up was veryyyyy relieving! I know that I definitely won't be doing a schedule like that for the rest of this pregnancy!

Small note: Annoying sinuses!! They keep kicking nasal drip, watery eyes. Ugh!!

I had a doctor's appt on Thursday NST went great! Cam's heartbeat stays around 140 and my blood pressure was 108/64! I didn't gain any weight, and felt just much better that day. My doctor still doesn't like the swelling in my legs/ankles, but seems content with my progress right now. I am still hoping this little girl comes around 38 weeks...I am sooo ready to meet her!! Then having the holidays with my family....ahh, so excited!!

My friend Melissa had her little girl, Addison, this week. Such a precious little thing!! She did great and is doing wonderful! We are planning on going to visit them soon  :)

Well, here are this week's good 'ol stats!! See ya at 35...

**How far along? 34 down, 6 or less to go!!

**Total weight gain/loss: No weight gain this week!

**How Big is Baby?  I don't know right now. We'll see in a few weeks at our 37wk Ultrasound.
**Maternity clothes? Good Lord yes. I'm growing out of them through the belly area though. haha

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable.

**Best moment this week: Hearing her heartbeat again on the NST...that never gets old  :*)

**Movement: Yupp...all the time and I love it!! Hiccups 2x per day...when I wake up and at 5ish at night!

**Food cravings: Uhmm, was really excited about wings this week haha

**Nausea/vomitting? Nope!

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: No, but I thought I did and it was really scary!

**Belly Button in or out? Starting to kind of pop out a little!
**Sleep: Up every 2hours to go pee...roly poly Bonnie. HaHa

*33 Weeks*

33 weeks!! So close, yet so far!! 7 weeks or less now...that almost sounds a little bit scary! I didn't get a picture this week because time just kind of flew by?! By the time I realized I needed to take a new one, it was almost time for my new blog entry!! So, you'll see a new one at 34 weeks!!

Well, this past week went pretty fast, I suppose. There isn't a whole lot to say about it, really. I was off the weekend, so I did a whole heck of a lot of relaxin'. Daryl decided to paint again, so he painted our spare bathroom a sunflower yellow. My momma picked out the color, and it look beautiful! I will take pics and post them soon! We got a new piece of furniture to put in the bathroom to call our "linen cabinet" and put all of Camryn's towels, washrags, etc, in it. It's kind of "HER" bathroom now  :)

Daryl went and had his Head CT done to check out what may be causing his migraines. Well, all his bloodwork came back perfect and his CT was negative. So, the doctor wants to send him to the eye doctor to check to make sure there is no pressure causing migraines. If that's negative too, we are going to go the sinus route and see if maybe an allergist can diagnose him and maybe check for nasal polyps or whatever else. The doctor really is aiming toward sinus problems and not migraines. So, yet again, we shall see!! I will update yall next time on this.

As for me....well, we had my 33 week NST done on Thursday and I must say, it was pretty neat!! We went in and I sat on a exam table and they hooked me up to a monitor. We got to hear Cam's heartbeat for about 25minutes. She is what they call a "sleepy baby" and didn't want to accelerate like they wanted her to. So, they "zapped" my belly and she kicked HARD!! So fun. My BP was high at first, but then I laid on my left side and it went down. They told me I had two contractions during the test that were 11 minutes apart, but since they were painless and I didn't even know I had them, they were most likely Braxton Hicks and no biggie. So, home I went and no reduced hours or bedrest for me!! I just gotta hold out until 36 weeks to be able to be out for all the holidays...just a few more weeks!!

I am swelling sort of bad these days. The TED hose aren't working so great at work anymore. I take them off after about 8hrs of wearing them at work because they get hot and don't help as much. I am very tired and HUGEmongeous. Nothing fits me. But, in a few weeks, it'll all be better :)

See ya next week, ya'll!!

**How far along? 33 down, 7 or less to go!!

**Total weight gain/loss: I'm not really sure...I forgot to care. HaHa.

**How Big is Baby?  We will see again soon... they say a "honeydew". I don't know, though???
**Maternity clothes? Good Lord yes. I'm growing out of them, though!!

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable.

**Best moment this week: Hearing her heartbeat again on the NST...that never gets old  :*)

**Movement: Yupp...all the time and I love it!! Hiccups 2x per day, atleast!!

**Food cravings: Ice water again!!

**Nausea/vomitting? Nope!

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: Nope ...just BHC here and there.

**Belly Button in or out? It kind of looks like a butthole still. Ha.
**Sleep: Up every 2hours to go pee...roly poly Bonnie. HaHa

*32 weeks*

Here we are at 32 weeks!!!

Time honestly seems like its flying now!! We know that we have NO MORE than 8 weeks left...and that's not alot of time...especially when you are as big as a whale and can hardly move to get things done! Luckily, this past week, we got alot done, but I felt it...I was exhausted!!

Friday, Daryl had school and I ran some errands, then we headed over to Mom and Dad's house and visited with Lauren, Adam, and Connor, who came to visit for the weekend from Houston!! What an amazinggg weekend. That little Connor has got to be the cutest baby I've ever seen!! He's a little ham. He is getting so big so fast and has such a little personality  :)  We left late from their house after visiting for a while, and made it home by 11pm or so. Saturday was my cousin's wedding, and Daryl and I took a few pics at the gazebo to call our "maternity photos" haha. Hey, thanks momma! Here is one of them...

I look huge...but whateverrrr. She's soo worth it  :)

Come Sunday, I was completely EXHAUSTED, but it was my baby shower!! We got up early and headed to Chesterfield and had my baby shower at a place called Sergio's Restaurant (best pizza and ziti EVER). It was a wonderful turnout of about 30 or so friends and family. We got so much of what we need...stroller, carseats, swing, boppy, bumbo, clothes, etc. What an awesome occasion  :) We still have to get a few things like bottles and diapers/wipes and stuff, but the big stuff is done!! THANKS EVERYONE!! Once we got home, we brought everything in and just set it in her room and hit the sheets. Soooo tired.

Monday at work was a chore!! I was exhausted and Daryl texted me and told me he was struggling as well. We made it through and crashed once we got home. Then Tuesday we got up and headed to her room and spent ALL DAY in there putting together her stuff and washing her clothes. I didn't realize it was so late until it was almsot dark out. I worked Mon, Wed, Fri. this past week, so it was hard to actually rest up some. SWOLLEN FEET...story of my life this week!!

Thursday was our 32 week appt, and we had another US done. Camryn is weighing in at a whopping 5lbs2oz, and I am measuring at 35 weeks!! HOLY COW!! The US tech kind of giggled and said "Wowwww". So, hopefully we'll have her a little early (but not tooo early). She is head down and her HR is 151!! My BP was 125/70... AWESOME for me. Go me  :) The doctor wanted me to schedule a Non Stress Test for every week from here on out, so looks like we get to hear Cam's heartbeat on a monitor every week until she's born now! Very reassuring  :) After our appt, Daryl and I had lunch and made a trip to Target and picked up some tid bits, like diapers, wipes, bath stuff, etc, for Cam. Getting it all together!!

I had to go to a staff meeting at work that day as well and the girls at work threw me a little baby shower!! They bought us our Pack-N-play and had snacks and a cake!! It was soo sweet and we were soo thankful!!

Well, here are the updates for the week. See ya at 33!!

**How far along? 32 down, 8 or less to go!!

**Total weight gain/loss: +2 this week...I did NOT eat so great this week. Woops.

**How Big is Baby?  Camryn's gonna be a big girl!! Already measuring 5lbs2oz!!
**Maternity clothes? YES...but starting to outgrow alot of them. Eeeeek.

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable.

**Best moment this week: Hearing that she's a big, healthy girl  :)

**Movement: Yupp... alot of them hurt now! She's very active...when I get up from lying down, I have to sit there and give her a minute to let her shift herself down and OUT of my ribcage.

**Food cravings: I couldn't seem to get enough ice water this week...

**Nausea/vomitting? Nope!

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: Nope ...just BHC here and there.

**Belly Button in or out? It kind of looks like a butthole.
**Sleep: Up every 2hours to go pee...roly poly Bonnie. HaHa

*31 weeks*

Welp, here we are at week 31!!
 The picture above was taken right before we left for our baby shower on 9/11/11!!

This past week was kind of interesting. I worked the weekend, and it wasn't bad. I obviously get tired easier and quicker these days, but it wasn't a bad weekend. Swelling, yeah, but my compression hose are still hanging in there!! Sunday night/Monday morning at about 3am, the dogs were going NUTS in the living room, barking and howling...I had pillows surrounding me, literally, and I could not for the life of me get up or roll over to wake Daryl up; so, I just threw my hand back and kind of smacked him hard across the chest. Poor thing, he jumped up so fast and ran into the wall, then the pole on the end of the bed...I yelled "Babe, calm down!" and he said "Oh." I laughed for about 30 mins, I don't know why. But when you see a grown man run into a wall it is kind of funny. TeeHee. Poor thing. Love him!!

I pre-registered at the hospital this week, so that when I go into labor and am in some pain, I don't have to go sit in registration and answer questions for an hour. So, that's done...good thing!!

I meant to mention this last week...I asked my doctor how far along she will let me go, just for future reference ...and she said that because of my blood pressure history, she won't allow me to go past my 40 week mark. So, if I have not had Camryn by 39 weeks (11/4/11), we will most likely schedule an induction for 11/11/11. So, that's good news!!  :)

So, Monday morning, I got up and wasn't feeling quite right. I know being very pregnant you are supposed to have to use the bathroom alot, but I was feeling the CONSTANT urgency to need to go...but it didn't hurt like a UTI. So, I tried to wait it out, and went to work Tuesday. Well, I floated alllll over the hospital (which is getting really hard), and I was completely miserable. I was constantly feeling like I needed to use the bathroom but really didn't, and it was just hard on me. So Wednesday morning I called and made an appt to see my GP in town and went and got tested...sure enough, it was a UTI. They put me on Macrobid, and antibiotic, for ten days to get rid of it. So far so good. I HATE taking any medication, but if I don't, the infection could get up into my kidneys and then I will have a BIGGGG problem.

Same as usual heartburn is getting a little worse, so Tums are really helpful these days!! I like pizza still, but not QUITE as much as I did. Salad was kinda my thing this week...and water. But, that's nothing new.

Here are the week's updates. See ya at 32!!!!

**How far along? 31 down, 9 or less to go!!

**Total weight gain/loss: +1 this week...I hope it stays this way from here on out!!

**How Big is Baby?  She's measuring in at anywhere from 3.5-4lbs and 18" long! I can update her actual weight next week when we get our UltraSound again!!
**Maternity clothes? YES. YES. YES.

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable.

**Best moment this week: Just her jabs, punches, rolls, kicks...knowing she's in there and active :)

**Movement: Yupp...I can definitely feel the 'hard' an elbow, or knee, or butt...and sometimes it hurts!! She likes to burrow herself in my sternum if I slouch and it hurts alotttt!

**Food cravings:  Uhmm...salad and fruit??

**Nausea/vomitting? Nope!

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: Nope ...some pretty tough Braxton Hicks on Thursday afternoon!!

**Belly Button in or out? I think it wants to pop out, but can't for some reason haha
**Sleep: Up every 2hours ATLEAST to go pee... and it's probably only going to get worse!

*New Paint*

Here is our living room/ dining room/ kitchen with new paint!!..


**30 WeEkS**

30 WEEKS!! 3/4 of the way through this pregnancy!!

Well, this past week was pretty yadayada. Over the weekend, Hurricane Irene hit the east coast and devastated alot of people. We were lucky as we were far enough west that we just got wind and rain. I don't know anyone personally who got hit that bad that they had damages or anything, so I felt pretty blessed. It was a very laid back weekend, and we didn't do much but rest! I had a pretty sore throat and horrible nasal drainage Sunday, so you would have found me laying in bed most of the day with Daryl beside me, watching the Reds and doing some homework. Relaxing little weekend!!

Monday I worked and it was pretty nice, actually. Not too busy, but then came Thursday. UGH. Soooo crazy busy at work that I cried secretively in the bathroom for a few minutes because I was so exhausted and dehydrated because I didn't get a change to eat/drink anything for 6 hours!! Wowwzer. And dear me, pregnancy brain has gotten the best of me. I forget everythinggggg. Atleast my friends just giggle along and make me not feel so bad about it :)

Friday was our 30wk appt!! We tried for the 3d/4d UltraSound again, but Camryn was extra shy this time!! She really had her fists in front of her face. The US tech gave me a Coke and had me drink a little, then we tried again. So, well....YEAH RIGHT. Camryn turned over, burrowed herself into my back, and put her hands behind her head!! Wow, thanks baby girl!! HaHa. So they are refunding us the money we paid for the US but we get to keep the few pics we got last time!! Pretty cool :)  My bp was 137/70 and my belly is measuring perfectly! Doctor was very pleased and is seeing me back in two weeks again...and we get another US  then as well to check  Cam's growth. Time's a flyin'....she'll be here before we know it!!

Well friends, here are the weekly updates!! See ya at 31!!

**How far along? 30 down, 10ish to go!!

**Total weight gain/loss: +1.5 this week too bad!!

**How Big is Baby?  She's measuring in at over 3lbs...they wouldn't tell me her size because it could overlap from what they told me last over 3lbs!!
**Maternity clothes? Yupper. And noooo other.

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable.

**Best moment this week: Seeing my baby girl on the US and hearing her heartbeat<3

**Movement: Yupp...I can definitely feel the 'hard' an elbow, or knee, or butt...and sometimes it hurts!! She likes to burrow herself in my sternum if I slouch and it hurts alotttt!

**Food cravings:  Uhmm...nothing really?

**Nausea/vomitting? Nope!

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: Nope

**Belly Button in or out? I think it wants to pop out, but can't for some reason haha
**Sleep: Up every 2hours or so to go pee... and it's probably only going to get worse!

Hubby and the Pups!!

Here's my hubby and the pups, watching the Reds game!! The usual <3

**29 weeks**

Well, here's to the last week of my pregnancy in "the 20's"! Almost to 30 weeks now!

I look a little 'out of it'. I wasn't feeling so great on that day!!

This week went by at a pretty decent rate...Saturday, Mom came over after she got her stylish new hairdo, and hung out with us for a bit. We watched 'The Santa Clause 3' and talked...and yes, it was a Christmas movie haha. LOVE that time of year, and it's almost here! Just 4 months or so, to be exact! Cannot wait until I can hold my baby girl on my chest and watch those movies! Ahhh so excited! Ok, so later, we went to Belk and got Cam a few more outfits (some newborn, even though I know she won't be in them long) and then went to lunch. Great day  :)

Monday was my doctor's appt...3d/4d UltraSound and Glucose Test. (It was Daryl's first day of fall classes so he couldn't miss school, so Mom went with me!) Incase ya missed the last blog, I passed the test just fine and got to see my sweet baby girl on the big screen...and she is BEAUTIFUL!! It's so amazing what technology can do!! And since she was being a tad stubborn and kept putting her fists in front of her face, we get to do another 3d/4d at my 30 week appt on Fri, Sept 2!! So excited!! My blood pressure was 138/76 and my uterus meaured 29.5...and Camryn is now 3lb!! Measuring right on and just perfect!! And of course, we grabbed lunch afterwards and went shopping and got Cammie some new stuff...again. HaHa.

The rest of the week was just yadayada. Worked Tuesday, which was VERY rough...with all the kids going back to school, they're all coming in sick now. So, we were superrrr busy. Thursday I took my PALS (pediatric advanced lift support) recertification class and passed just fine, which is a relief. Then Friday was, yet again, a CRAZY day at work. Atleast we're in business, though!! I woke up Friday morning with a pretty sore throat and just felt yucky. Daryl wasn't feeling so great either...I think the allergies are kicking in. I kept Halls on me all day. Poor thing, he had a bad migraine. We're going to go to the doctor's this coming week if possible to get him some meds as needed for migraines. We talked about it and definitely don't want him having a migraine while I am in labor!! Wouldn't be good  :( So I will keep you updated on that!!

Well, not a whole lot else to say about the rest of the week, sooo here's the updates!!

**How far along? 29 down, 11ish to go!!

**Total weight gain/loss: +1 this week too bad!!

**How Big is Baby?  She's measuring in at 3lbs...appx 16.7" long!
**Maternity clothes? Yupper. And noooo other.

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable.

**Best moment this week: Seeing my beautiful girl on the 3D/4D UltraSound!

**Movement: Yupp...I can definitely feel the 'hard' an elbow, or knee, or butt...and sometimes it hurts!!

**Food cravings:  Hmmm...Milk?? Andddd spaghetti.

**Nausea/vomitting? Nope!

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: Nope

**Belly Button in or out? I think it wants to pop out, but can't for some reason haha
**Sleep: Up every 3hours to go pee... and it's probably only going to get worse!

*~ 28week Appt & 3D/4D US ~*

Quick mid-week update...

On Monday, August 22, I had my 28week appt!! I passed my glucose test (woohoo!!) and everything looked great!! My belly is measuring 29.5, and my BP was good. Only gained +7 from the last appt (4.5 weeks ago), and the doctor was very happy with my progress!! Cam's heartbeat remains strong and she is just a kickin'!! Daryl and I decided it would be cool to get a 3d/4d UltraSound done (since we decided against the maternity pictures)!! Camryn was not being very cooperative, as she kept putting her hands in front of her face...I drank the glucose drink, which was not as bad as I have heard, and laid on my left side. 5 minutes later, the US tech put the wand on my belly and there was my beautiful girl!! Since we only got 2 or 3 good pics, we get to go back next Friday at my 30 week appt and get ANOTHER 3d/4d for FREE!! AWESOME!! Below are the two really good pics we got!!!

I will post next week's once we get them!! Ain't she just sooo purdy??   <3

**28 weeks!**

Week 28!! Just 12 or so more weeks togo!!

I thought this pic was neat because it shows the belly!! Next week I'll do a more "full body" pic!!

This past week, I'd have to say, was a pretty good one!! Not too much going on, but my sweet girl was SUPER active!! She seems to get the hiccups alot...they only last about 3 mins or so, but they're so cute! She kicks everywhere! I told Daryl that I have heard that if he puts his head on my belly and listens for a minute, he may be able to hear her he did. And WHAM!! Camryn kicked him in the head! He looked at me wide wide eyes and I just started cracking up, then he did too!! It was hilarious!! She is gonna be a handful! HaHa

I worked all weekend, then Monday, I woke up first thing and my belly was superrr hard. I was slightly crampy and realized BRAXTON HICKS! Crazy! I ate a little and drank alot of water, and then Daryl and I went and bought the PERFECT diaper bag. It is Vera Bradley and it's the color wine. BEA-utiful!!! Then we went and checked out a daycare near the hospital called Little Feats...we really liked it!! Good price, good hours...we don't want to send her AT ALL, but not much choice. Then we ran more errands, and here we go...I had another low blood sugar attack while we were grocery shopping. I mean...I was shaky, sweating, confused. Daryl made me open up a candy bar and eat it and we paid for it when we got to the register. I just cannot NOT eat for 4hrs like I try to... it's not good for Cam and me. We went and got lunch afterwards and I felt much better. It's a scary thing, though....and I KNOW BETTER!!!

I didn't swell quite as bad this week, but I rested alot. Third trimester sleepiness is starting to kick in. I'm tired ALL THE TIME! I love to nap. lol.12 hour shifts still get me, but I am determined to hold on until ATLEAST 37 weeks, if I don't have her before (hopefully not!). I REALLY want to be on maternity leave through the holidays so as long as I can stay in work full time until October 15, I will be good to go through January 8!! So, I'm holding on!!

Daryl has been amazing. He has painted like no other and he helps me SOO much. I am so blessed to have a husband like him. Once my butt hits the couch, he barely lets me get up. If I go to get up to use the bathroom (which is very often), and he sees me roly polying my way off the couch, he immediately helps and asks if he can get me anything. He is so wonderful and is going to be an AMAZING daddy  :)

Well, our 28 week appt is Monday, August 22, so I will put a little update on here that night!! See ya then!!

**How far along? 28 down, 12ish to go!!

**Total weight gain/loss: +1 this week!! Go me!!

**How Big is Baby?  Getting bigger!! Over 2.5 lbs and 15.75" long now!! (Like a squash)
**Maternity clothes? Oh yeahhhhh. Might have to upgrade the length of my shirts soon haha. Belly sticks out from the bottom of all my tshirts (and Daryl's)!!

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable.

**Best moment this week: When she kicked Daryl in the head! We laughed sooo hard!! heehee

**Movement: Yupp!! ALL THE TIME now!!! And I LOVE IT!!

**Food cravings:  Hmmm...PIZZA, like usual. haha

**Nausea/vomitting? Nope!

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: Nope...Braxton Hicks Contractions, though!

**Belly Button in or out? Gets flatter all the time!!

**Sleep: Up every 3hours to go pee... and it's probably only going to get worse!

**Nursery -In the Works-**

Here is Miss Camryn's nursery *in the works*!! Still sooo much to do, but the biggest parts are done!! Just little decorating left!!

Dresser and vase with a bouquet Daryl and I put together!! And yes, the dresser is COMPLETELY FULL with Newborn, 0-3months, and 3-6months individual onesies and soft cotton pants. The closet has all the sleepers and cute 'going out' outfits  :)

Ok, so these baskets are holding all of Camryn's headbands, flower attachments for the headbands, and her beanies. (We have a brown wicker basket set on our registry, that includes a hamper, trashcan, etc, that I hope we get so it will match these!!) But yeah, all of these head accessories are necessary for a little girl!!! TeeHee!! Daryl thinks I've lost it!!   :)

This is Camryn's Vera Bradley diaper bag (it's a 'Wine' color, and it's BEAUTIFUL, but you can't tell because it clashes with the paint color). The little black bag is just a little cosmetic type bag that fits down in the diaper bag....more so for me!! HaHa. We LOVED this bag!!!

Camryn's beautiful crib with bedding! LOTS to do to that wall...but this is a sneak peek!!

Another pic of her crib and bedding  :)

Changing table and rocker <3

Sooo yeah. Her closet. And we haven't had a Baby Shower yet. lol. I just can't help but buy anything cute that I see!! And thanks to Auntie Steph Urban for our extra carseat!!



*27 weeks*

27 weeks...which means, 3rd TRIMESTER FOR THIS MOMMA!!!


So this week was a realy good one!! Saturday was one of my best friend's baby showers!! Daryl stayed home and cleaned up and prepared for his friend, Zach, to come visit for a few days. After the shower, Mom and I, along with my Aunt Debbie and cousin Dawn, headed to Williamsburg to the outlets to go baby shopping!! Oh. My. Gosh. I was in heaven!! Everything was on sale, plus it was tax free weekend, so my baby girl got SOOO MANY NEW OUTFITS!!! I spent around $250, but she got like 10 new outfits, a coat, gowns, and 3 pairs of shoes (including pink Converse)! We had a blast!!! I was gone from about 9am until feet were soooo fat and swollen and my body hurt when I got home, but it was worth it!! Sunday morning, Zach arrived and stayed for three days...Daryl was pretty happy to have a friend around :)  Steph and Tim Urban came out to our house and we cooked out. Nice little Sunday!!

I started getting pretty worried at work on Monday morning because I hadn't felt much movement from Camryn since early Saturday morning. I talked to a few friends and they assured me that it was normal. Later that day...she was WIDEEEE OPEN. Thank the Lord!! But then, oddly, I developed a rash...kind of hive-like, just on my belly. Weird, huh?? I decided to wait to see if it went away... I worked Tuesday, too, and the hives were still there. I called the doctor's office and they instructed me to stop using the lotion I was using (Tummy Butter) and to get Cortizone cream and Benadryl. I did, and it helped the itching, but it's just an ugly rash!! I didn't wear my compression stockings Tuesday because they come up high on my belly and I figured that might irritate my hives...sooo, my feet were VERY swollen come Tuesday night!! Wowza!!

Wednesday we got our replacement baby furniture (and they took back the damaged pieces). It's just BEAUTIFUL!! We got sooo excited that we took all Cam's clothes out and took the tags off and arranged them by colors. We went and got Ivory Snow detergent and washed them ALL on Thursday and put onesies/soft pants in drawers and hung up outfits and sleepers. Her room is sure coming along and it's beautiful!!

Daryl started painting Thursday, and it looks AMAZING. It really is coming along and now we can't wait for the hardwood floors!! Pictures to come next week!!

We are vigorously looking for the perfect babysitter/daycare arrangement. If Daryl can get his classes for just Tuesday and Thursday in the spring, I can ask to work EITHER Tuesday or Thursday and only have to take Cam one day per week. So, Momma is trying to decide if she can go to 4 days per week at work...I am surely praying!! It'd be amazing!!

Well, let's see. This week... I got lots of rest!! We set our baby shower was going to be October 1, but now it's September 11, a Sunday. It's the day after my cousin's wedding so alot of my family will be here from out of town!! Pretty excited...just 4 weeks away!! Well, here are the weekly fun facts...see ya at 28, with 3D/4D Ultrasound pictures and news on my glucose test!!

**How far along? 27 down, 13ish to go!!

**Total weight gain/loss: +3 AGAIN. Total weight gain so far= ENOUGH.

**How Big is Baby?  Getting bigger!! Over 2lb and 15" long now!!
**Maternity clothes? Oh yeahhhhh.

**Stretch marks? Yup...they're soo ugly  :(

**Best moment this week: After her lull...when she started REALLLLLY kicking!!!

**Movement: Yupp!! Still mostly after meals and late at night.

**Food cravings:  Hmmm...sadly, just junk food. Bad girl, I know.

**Nausea/vomitting? Not really?

**Gender: BABY GIRL!!!

**Labor Signs: Nope

**Belly Button in or out? It's just flat??

**Sleep: Up every 3hours to go pee... and it's probably only going to get worse!