Baby Prewitt

**29 weeks**

Well, here's to the last week of my pregnancy in "the 20's"! Almost to 30 weeks now!

I look a little 'out of it'. I wasn't feeling so great on that day!!

This week went by at a pretty decent rate...Saturday, Mom came over after she got her stylish new hairdo, and hung out with us for a bit. We watched 'The Santa Clause 3' and talked...and yes, it was a Christmas movie haha. LOVE that time of year, and it's almost here! Just 4 months or so, to be exact! Cannot wait until I can hold my baby girl on my chest and watch those movies! Ahhh so excited! Ok, so later, we went to Belk and got Cam a few more outfits (some newborn, even though I know she won't be in them long) and then went to lunch. Great day  :)

Monday was my doctor's appt...3d/4d UltraSound and Glucose Test. (It was Daryl's first day of fall classes so he couldn't miss school, so Mom went with me!) Incase ya missed the last blog, I passed the test just fine and got to see my sweet baby girl on the big screen...and she is BEAUTIFUL!! It's so amazing what technology can do!! And since she was being a tad stubborn and kept putting her fists in front of her face, we get to do another 3d/4d at my 30 week appt on Fri, Sept 2!! So excited!! My blood pressure was 138/76 and my uterus meaured 29.5...and Camryn is now 3lb!! Measuring right on and just perfect!! And of course, we grabbed lunch afterwards and went shopping and got Cammie some new stuff...again. HaHa.

The rest of the week was just yadayada. Worked Tuesday, which was VERY rough...with all the kids going back to school, they're all coming in sick now. So, we were superrrr busy. Thursday I took my PALS (pediatric advanced lift support) recertification class and passed just fine, which is a relief. Then Friday was, yet again, a CRAZY day at work. Atleast we're in business, though!! I woke up Friday morning with a pretty sore throat and just felt yucky. Daryl wasn't feeling so great either...I think the allergies are kicking in. I kept Halls on me all day. Poor thing, he had a bad migraine. We're going to go to the doctor's this coming week if possible to get him some meds as needed for migraines. We talked about it and definitely don't want him having a migraine while I am in labor!! Wouldn't be good  :( So I will keep you updated on that!!

Well, not a whole lot else to say about the rest of the week, sooo here's the updates!!

**How far along? 29 down, 11ish to go!!

**Total weight gain/loss: +1 this week too bad!!

**How Big is Baby?  She's measuring in at 3lbs...appx 16.7" long!
**Maternity clothes? Yupper. And noooo other.

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable.

**Best moment this week: Seeing my beautiful girl on the 3D/4D UltraSound!

**Movement: Yupp...I can definitely feel the 'hard' an elbow, or knee, or butt...and sometimes it hurts!!

**Food cravings:  Hmmm...Milk?? Andddd spaghetti.

**Nausea/vomitting? Nope!

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: Nope

**Belly Button in or out? I think it wants to pop out, but can't for some reason haha
**Sleep: Up every 3hours to go pee... and it's probably only going to get worse!