Baby Prewitt

**25 weeks!!**


25 weeks!! It's getting closer and hard to believe  :)

Well, this past week kind of flew by to me? Looking back, I'm not really sure where it went??

I worked the weekend, and had to float to OB and work in the nursery with the babies!! It was no big deal because working with small newborns is just a nice little practice for me :) I of course swelled again, pretty bad by Sunday night, I might add. Major resting was in store for that night, but come Monday, we were excited yet again!!

~Monday was our 24 weeks appt which was really no big deal. Camryn's heartrate was 150s again (per the norm). HeHe. My blood pressure was great (for me anyways)...128/72! My doctor was VERY pleased and was not worried about my swelling too much yet...just suggested I wear compression hose at work and rest on my days off. No problem!! Got the hose and they worked great actually...not PERCECT, but I notice a big difference at work. I went to the gastro doctor afterwards because for about the past year, after almost every meal, I get a rapid heartrate for about 45 mins, then if I don't eat atleast 2-3hrs after that, I get low blood sugar attacks (I mentioned that a few weeks ago). They drew some blood and are having me do a 24hr urine...well, the blood came back that I am anemic and have low potassium!! This stuff never ends :( So, I have to call my ob-gyn after the weekend is over to let her know that and see what our next move is. GREATTTTTT. Atleast that explains the exhaustion and heart palpitations.

I rested ALOT Tues and Wed, and got a pedicure (Daryl insisted I do this, so I didn't argue!! Haha). Worked Thursday and Friday. Same 'ol same 'ol. Daryl has been super stressed about school lately, as his level 201 Spanish class is very overwhelming and time-consuming...not to mention this teacher has given the students a COMPLETE semester's worth of work and having them complete it in a 3-week summer course. I just cannot wait for next weekend so that he will be done and able to relax. When hubby's stressed, I get stressed too. Poor thing :(

We decided to paint our whole house before Cammie arrives!! Tan and redish-maroon. Daryl is starting that next weekend and is pretty excited!! One of his buddies from the USMC who lives in Columbus is coming to visit him for a few days next week too, so he has alot to look forward to. Thank goodness!! :)

Ok, for the smaller things...I LOVE PIZZA and PEACHES!! All I want is pizza with a peach for dessert. Strange, I know. But they're soooo good to me right now!! Camryn did FLIPS on Sunday and Monday night!! Daryl felt her again with his hand. She is moving alot and I love it :)

Well, here are the weekly info stats!! See ya at 26!!

**How far along? 25 down, 15ish to go!!

**Total weight gain/loss: +1 lb this week <<sigh of relief>>. Oh Dear Lord please let it stay like that from here on out!! haha 

**How Big is Baby?  She grew alot this week!! Now about 1.5ish lbs and over 13.5inches long...imagine a loaf of bread!!
**Maternity clothes? ONLY. haha.

**Stretch marks? Yup...I think they're developing on my belly some now, too. Ughhhh.

**Best moment this week: Hearing her heartbeat again and Daryl smiling when he SAW her kick my belly!!

**Movement: Yupp!! Mostly after meals and late at night still!! Kicks, punches, jabs, flips!!

**Food cravings:  PIZZA...and big 'ol peaches! :)

**Nausea/vomitting? Just the usual indigestion!! TUMS <3

**Gender: BABY GIRL!!!

**Labor Signs: Nope...think I may be experiencing some Braxton Hicks at times??

**Belly Button in or out? It's just flat??

**Sleep: Not quite as good this week :( DEFINITELY not on my back...I can't breathe!!