Baby Prewitt

*22 Weeks*

So, 22 down, 18 to go (technically...hopefully it will be a tad sooner, say, just 16 to go)!?

So, thinking about it, I really only have 4 months left! That's crazy! Time is kind of flying right now... maybe because there is just so much going on. Either way, I am ok with that!!

Well, this past week was a pretty good one! My best friend/Maid of Honor/cousin, CJ, had her baby boy, Shane, on Saturday, July 2. He was a whopping 8lbs12oz and was 22.5" long! Below is a picture of him with myself and Daryl holding him...he is just precious! It makes me even MORE excited to have my baby girl in my arms! He would just smile in his sleep and he was a snuggler! CJ looks great, already lost 20lbs...I sure hope that happens to me! HaHa

Work was decent. I didn't get to do anything fun for the 4th of July because I worked all weekend...that's ok, because it rained on the 4th so I didn't feel too left out! Of course, I had fat feet at the end of the long days and I noticed this week that it is starting to get swollen and tight up my calves...that kind of stinks! Same 'ol.

Tuesday was a "pamper myself" kind of day. Hubby was at school, so I went out and did a few things for 'me'. He and I never do that really, so I just decided to. As you can see from the pics above, I cut it short with layers and bangs and got hilites and lowlites. I love it! It gave me alot of volume and makes me feel a little more mature! I also got my long needed pedicure. So yes, it was a pretty good day!

I scheduled our Maternity Pictures to be done on Sunday, September 11!! That will be fun :) And then, we got a call and JcPenney will be delivering Cam's crib set (finally!) on Monday, July 18th!! It's all starting to come together!!!

Ok, so for the little tid bits of the week... I notice that my meals have to be smaller because I seem to get fuller quicker. If I overeat (and by overeat I mean two bites too many), I feel terrible. So, I eat slower and pay attention to my tunmy now! I LOVED Oreo Mint ice cream this week!! Mom, Daryl and I went shopping Saturday afternoon at the little Belk in town and mom bought Cam some new clothes (go figure!), and one of the onesie long sleeved/feet outfits was a mint green and brown, and it made me just HAVE TO HAVE mint ice cream! So needless to say, that was really good! HaHa. Ok, so this next tid bit is probably TMI...but I have been sneezing alot lately, which I heard can be quite common...well I did this week once and tinkled. I mean, come on! No one told me about THAT part! So, the fun REALLY begins now! GREAT.

Sooooo anywho. Here are this past week's fun 'ol stats. See ya at 23!!!

**How far along? 22 down, 18 to go!!

**Total weight gain/loss: Not TOO horrible I guess. +3ish pounds this week...It's really kinda of hard to say though, really, because I went up 5lbs after working two days straight, then weighed myself the day after (after resting), and I went back down 2lbs. That's how bad my fluid levels are.

**How Big is Baby? She is about 11" long and weighs about 1 whole pound! She is said to be comparable to a spaghetti squash? AND...if we could see her, she would resemble a newborn (just MUCH thinner with no baby fat). Cool, huh?!
**Maternity clothes? OH yeah...I still wear some regular shirts, though.

**Stretch marks? Yup. Whatev.

**Best moment this week: Just continuing to feel my precious girl kick me...and knowing my best friend's baby boy is healthy!!

**Movement: Yupp!! Mostly at night time, still. Daryl continues to put his hand on my belly to try to feel her, but she always stops after he put his hand there. Stubborn lil girl!!

**Food cravings: Chocolate milk and Oreo Mint Ice Cream!!...and the usual, fruit!

**Nausea/vomitting? Just the usual indigestion...TUMS are the best right now!!

**Gender: BABY GIRL!!!

**Labor Signs: Nope

**Belly Button in or out? In...but it's not as deep as it used to be?

**Sleep: Pretty good these days!!