Baby Prewitt

*13 WEEKS*

**Strangely, I look smaller here than I did at 12 weeks!?**

Well, here we are!! SECOND TRIMESTER!! I'd say this took forever, but wow, how time flies!! Alot has happened over the past few weeks, good/bad/trying/exciting!

Lauren and Connor went home Thursday!! I'm so happy and proud of them. <3 xoxoxoxo

One of my best friends just found out she's having a baby girl in September! So excited for her...her and her husband deserve only the best!

Daryl and I finally agreed on a girl's name, but are still working on a boy name lol.

I have felt okay over the past week, but it definitely changes day to day. Headaches have started to form almost daily, along with backaches, so that's fun. I think I'm having some reflux..feels like bubbles in my chest, kinda weird. Goes away with Tums! I've had some round ligament pain and bloated some days. The frequent urination has slowed some, but I still wake up in the early morning hours to run to the bathroom. Joy!! Well, my little pooch is definitely there. I had a lady at work ask me if I was preggo, in a roundabout way... "When are you having a baby?!" Uhmm, well, I wanted to say, "Not yet!! Why, do I look pregnant?" haha. But no, I told her and she said "You looked a little rounder, congrats!" Is that a compliment??

And TA DA!! I broke down and bought some maternity clothes. You can't tell that they are maternity unless you pull my shirt up, but it's SOOO much more comfortable than trying to just go around with your button undone on your jeans! Daryl and I went out to dinner the other night and I had on unbuttoned jeans and a bra that was getting way too small! He could tell I was uncomfortable as I was fidgetting the whole time. He took me to Belk and I got a few new bras and a cute dress, and then after our appt on Wednesday, we went and I got some maternity capris, shorts, and two new dresses! Talk bout being comfy!! When it's time, it's time! So long cute jeans, tight shirts, and C-cup! <3

**How far along? 13 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: + 7-ish lbs..still fluctuates depending on the day!

**How Big is Baby? A peach!!

**Maternity clothes? Yuppers. They're super cute though!

**Stretch marks? Not yet!

**Sleep: Uck. Waking up with a headache and backache suck!

**Best moment this week: Seeing baby on the Ultrasound, kicking and jumping!!

**Movement: Not yet...feel little 'twinges' in the lower abdomen...probably gas. haha.

**Food cravings: Wendy's Frosties...mmm <3

**Nausea/vomitting? Nausea, yes. I hope this goes away soon!

**Gender: Don't know yet!

**Labor Signs: No way!!

**Belly Button in or out? In   :)