Baby Prewitt

*17 WeEkS*

About to head to work!!

Headed to dinner for Daryl's birthday!!

It's the beginning of a new week!! Week 17...hellooo  :)

Almost to the half-way point~ hard to believe, huh?! The past week has been busy busy busy bee!! Last weekend Daryl and I went to Lowe's and bought a bunch of bushes, flowers, and plants for our yard and a HUGE truck of mulch...we spent ALL day Saturday and Sunday outside digging the foundation for the flowerbed (well, HE did, I kinda just watched and brought whatever he needed...he wouldn't let me lift anything heavy), planting the flowers, and mulching. Then, on Sunday night, we went to my parents' house and had a little cookout for Memorial Day--burgers, hotdogs, green bean casserole, tater salad, veggies, and chocolate mousse pie. Talk about YUMMM!!! I was outside all weekend in the heat so my feet were soooo swollen!! Mom made me elevate them all night. haha... And, thanks be to my wonderful husband for spending 8 years of his life in the USMC. It's because of people like him that we are FREE<3

The rest of the week was kind of boring for me...I am working swing shift while transferring to day shift to get off of night shift, so I worked 3~ 13 hour shifts in a row...Tuesday day, then Wednesday and Thursday nights. For some reason, the nausea has decided to kick back in and I was NOT feeling well come Thursday morning. I didn't get much sleep that day(total of 4 hours), but I sucked it up and trotted into work (I don't call out sick unless my butt's on the way to the ER). At about 10pm at work, I had a little hypoglycemic incident and got really shaky an dizzy. My blood pressure was up and heartrate was high. The nurse supervisor came and checked me out, and made me relax, eat (I think I forgot to do that, haha), and put my feet up whenever I wasn't doing ankles had turned into cankles and well, that's just ewww. I laugh about it now, but that was a hard night!! Friday morning I got home and propped my feet up and slept...ALOT. Daryl didn't let me do anything and laid with me and scratched me back :) LOVE that man. Later on, I called and talked to the nurse at my OB-GYN's to let her know about how bad I felt Thursday night, and she is relaying my message to my doctor early Monday morning, then they are contacting me to let me know what they want me to do...possibly, decrease my hours to 8 hour shifts only, or writing a letter to make it so my 13 hour shifts can't be in a row. The nurse then told me to TAKE IT EASY all, I am!!

So, for the past week, I've been retaining water like crazy and had swollen feet...pretty much, cankles. Gross. I get really annoyed easily, people have just been aggravating's really probably nothing, but maybe I am just hormonal. Teehee. (Just tired of people telling me..."You're too early to have swollen feet" or "You shouldn't be feeling that yet"...Ok, ya know what, it's, my body, my little baby, and you have no clue what I do or don't feel. So leave me alone!!) Otherwise... I am happy as a clam :)

Here's the stats...see ya at week 18!! (3 more weeks till we find out...boy or girl?!?!)

**How far along? 17 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: Well, I'm not saying this week because I have retained alot of fluid and I think that's where alot of the increase came maybe I'll let you know at week 18!

**How Big is Baby? 5.3 inches crown to rump, about 5.5 ounces! (A grapefruit...) Baby would fit snuggly in the palm of your hand!!  :)

**Maternity clothes? Most definitely...still wearing my normal scrubs, but they might have to go soon too. And, my Dansko nurse shoes are getting, this is the 'not so fun' part of pregnancy!

**Stretch marks? Unfortunately, yes...ewww. But no new ones!

**Best moment this week: Feeling a little 'jab' right below my belly button...BABY!! A hugeeee smile just came across my face!

**Movement: The jabbing and flutters...waiting on  huge kick! Apparently, baby is doing summersaults in there, but I can't feel that yet!

**Food cravings: Nothing in particular, but strong cravings for food in general. I wake up STARVING!!

**Nausea/vomitting? Nausea came back a few days ago :(

**Gender: Don't know yet...Daryl keeps referring to baby as "her"?!

**Labor Signs: No way!!

**Belly Button in or out? In   :)
**Sleep: Getting a little better!!