Baby Prewitt

*18 WeEkS*

Here's the belly!! Sorry it isn't a face shot...I just got out of the shower!! :)

Week 18...just two more weeks until we find out...BoY or GiRl?!?!

Well, the past week I would honestly say was pretty rough for me. I am guessing all these pregnancy hormones are getting the best of me, because the smallest thing someone can say to me just makes me cry. Work was better because we weren't as busy this week. My obstetrician called me back from last week and wrote me a note saying that she does not want me to work 3--12 hour shifts in a row anymore until after the pregnancy is over. So, that's a little bit of a relief. I am trying to eat every 2hrs or so, just something small and nutritional, so that I can keep my energy up and not bottom out again, and it's helping!!

Today (Fri, June 10), was Daryl's college orientation. It was a lot of walking in the 100* heat, and well, "HEY CANKLES!!" Yup, my feet were once again all swollen and my beloved ankles disappeared into my calves. All of this just makes me fun. Once we got home, I ate fruit and drank alot of water and put my feet up.  Stupid me...I stepped on the scale and I have gone up 7 lbs since my 16 week appt...2 weeks ago. It makes me super upset to think that, but I know it's all water retention. I am trying to drink tons of water and reallllly watch the sodium intake because I don't want to keep retaining. If I've changed my habits at all it's been that I am just eating BETTER than I was a few weeks ago. So, that's all I can do. And I have GOT to stop going outside and doing things in this heat. It's bad news  :(

K, happy things now...I AM FEELING THE BABY MOVE!! He/she moved around ALOT on Thursday at was amazing! Then some throughout the day today, but I have noticed that I feel the movement when I am sitting up and sitting still, and not when I am walking around or laying down. So needless to say, I like to SIT alot. HeHe! I haven't felt it with my hand yet, but the movements only last for a second or two, and then go away. But they definitely aren't just flutters's real 'kicking' or 'punching' or 'swimming'! I loveeee it!

Tuesday was Daryl's birthday and we went out to dinner with my parents at Charley's Waterfront Restaurant (the people who catered our wedding). We had a GREAT time!! Happy 32nd birthday babe!! <3

Well, here are this week's updates...see you at week 19!! <3

**How far along? 18 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: Well, I am still retaining that water really bad, and my wedding rings have gotten pretty tight when I get hot outside...soo, I'll just put it like this. I have gone up 7lbs in 2.5 weeks since the last appt at 15w5d. The nurse told me over the phone that she is positive that 5lbs of that 7lbs is water retention... so in reality, it's pretty much 1lb per week...I guess that makes me feel better??

**How Big is Baby? 5.6 inches crown to rump, about 6.9 ounces! (A sweet potato!) I have read the baby can hear things from outside the womb at this point, so I try to sing and talk to him/her alot...I feel a little funny when I do it, but hey!!  :)

**Maternity clothes? Most definitely...still wearing my normal scrubs, but they might have to go soon too. And, my Dansko nurse shoes are officially retired for now...back to the Crocs!

**Stretch marks? Unfortunately, yes...ewww. But no new ones!

**Best moment this week: Feeling the movement...amazing!!

**Movement: The bigger movements... can't wait to feel it with my hand now!!

**Food cravings: Back to the cold cream, watermelon, cold water...

**Nausea/vomitting? Not this week!!

**Gender: Don't know yet... but we will know in 2 weeks!!

**Labor Signs: No way!!

**Belly Button in or out? In   :)

**Sleep: Getting a little better!!