Baby Prewitt

*-*19 WeEkS*-*


This is probably the ONLY bare-belly picture I will ever there ya go!!

So, this past weekend, Daryl and I had a great Saturday at our friend's house, Melissa and Jake, who are expecting their first baby, a girl, in September! We had a cookout at their house with two other great friends, Steph and Tim. We had kabobs on the grill and played some Catch Phrase...always a good time :) Love great friends!!

Sunday was mine and Daryl's ONE YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!! What?! ONE YEAR?! Wow...time FLEW by!! We did NOTHING...and it was AMAZING! We laid in bed, watched movies, giggled, and had chinese for dinner. It was probably the best day I could have asked for :) I am so blessed to have met him and have him in my life!!

I worked Wednesday...and here's where the week got interesting. About noon that day, I went to the bathroom and spotted a little bit. SCARED ME TO DEATH. I called the doctor's office and they told me to watch and make sure there is no more spotting and suggested it could be a 'popped cervical blood vessel'. Well, I was still worried, so I went upstairs to the OB dept and a nurse (friend of of the perks of being a nurse at at hospital!) did a doppler hearbeat so I could hear our baby...Heartbeat 157 bpm= Perfect! I felt alot better after I heard baby and called the doctor's I went on about my day and slept very good that night!!

Well, Thursday, Daryl had his final exam and I ran a few errands while he was taking it. I noticed baby wasn't very active today, but didn't think much because I am only 18w6d...I need to be a little more patient~! We got back home around 1pm and I went to the bathroom (full bladder= story of my life)...and yet again, I had some spotting. Ok...I was HYSTERICAL. I was bawling and told Daryl something was wrong. He grabbed my phone immediately and called the doctor. They got me in for an emergency UltraSound that day at 2:15pm. We pretty much jumped in the car and rushed there. Once we got there, they got me in the US room within 10 mins and checked my cervix...3-4cm thick and closed tight (they told me I have "Superwoman cervix")! So no worry there...then the tech put the wand on my belly...and there was our beautiful baby!! Moving around like crazy, it was such a relief! The US tech went ahead and did the full anatomy scan since it was going to be done the next week anyways...we saw baby's heart, kidneys. bladder, nose, lips, brain, was amazing!! Then, she said "Well, SHE looks great..." And typed "I'm a girl!!!" on the screen!! I looked at Daryl and he grinned and said "Oh. My. Gosh. I have a daughter." Best moment of my life..(so far...)!! My blood pressure was high, of course, so they want to see me back again next weekend at the original appt date to check it. My doctor doesn't seem worried about me...she told me to eat lots of fiber, drink lots of water, and "don't strain". Well, ok, easier said then done right now ;) HaHa. We left the doc's office and went shopping immediately!! Got lots of pink stuff and Daryl had a ball!!


**How far along? 19 weeks!!

**Total weight gain/loss: 17lbs...whatever. I asked my doctor and she's not concerned about it, and said "Bonnie, some people just gain more weight at different times" So, I'm done worrying about it! (Atleast I didn't gain anymore since last week)

**How Big is Baby? 6in long and 8.5 oz...well, our baby girl measured 11oz!! ((The tech told me to hold out my hand and imagine baby's head resting on my wrist, body in the palm and on fingers, and legs hanging over the end...kinda neat!!))

**Maternity clothes? Most definitely...even scrubs getting tight!! Time to buy some maternity scrub pants!!

**Stretch marks? Unfortunately, yes...ewww. But no new ones!

**Best moment this week: Feeling the defined movement...she went crazy after I ate pesto pasta and with Starburst jelly beans!!

**Movement: The bigger, defined movements... can't wait to feel it with my hand now!!

**Food cravings: Uhmm, nothing really??

**Nausea/vomitting? Just the usual indigestion

**Gender: BABY GIRL!!!

**Labor Signs: No way!!

**Belly Button in or out? In   :)

**Sleep: Piece of cakeeee!!