Baby Prewitt

*12 weeks*

This past week, my sister was diagnosed with preeclampia and had to be induced at 36 weeks for complications. She definitely had a hard time, but things are getting much better! Connor, her baby, is in the NICU but is doing well, and her husband Adam has been a true blessing to her. I really miss my little sister alot...I love them all so much and am OBSESSED with that little baby!!

I am doing well! My belly has started to pop some, and even my hubby has mentioned it! I am actually starting to love it and have began embracing it! I hit a deer on Wednesday coming home from work and have some damage so we had to get a rental car while mine is being fixed! Bummer.

But other than that, just craving the usual (cereal and fruit), and nausea comes and goes. I'm not quite as tired all of the time, which is GREAT!! Feeling pretty good, and I find myself staring at my UltraSound picture all the time :) I cannot BELIEVE I am almost into my second trimester!

PS: My amazing husband has been completely nicotine free for TWO WEEKS!!! <3

**How far along? 12 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: + 6-ish lbs

**How Big is Baby?: A lime!!

**Maternity clothes? Nope...but gauchos, sweats, and summer dresses (comfy stuff)!!

**Stretch marks? Not yet!

**Sleep: Sleeping good for now!

**Best moment this week: Sleeping 8 hours straight!

**Movement: Not yet

**Food cravings: Cocoa Puffs

**Gender: Don't know yet!

**Labor Signs: No way!!

**Belly Button in or out? In