Baby Prewitt

*Almost 38 weeks*

Well, I am sitting here, BORED as all get out, thinking I want to get up and just CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN!!! (Nesting?) Daryl is in school and I am sitting here watching TV, like I have been doing all day long. This morning, we had a 5hr power outage (I knew about it already) for the power company to try to figure out why we keep losing power randomly. So, I got up early, showered (in case I have to go to the hospital haha), and then ate breakfast and took a Tylenol PM. I laid back down and slept for a few hours to let the power be able to come back on. I got some gooooood sleepage, as did the dogs! HaHa. Anyway, here is how this past week went...

So, today is Wednesday, October 26, and I am 37weeks 5days. The past week has been somewhat eventful for me, regardless of the fact that I am on bedrest and doing a whole lot of nothing!! Last Friday night, I had some BAD back pains and woke up at midnight...then I started cramping. I did not want to wake up Daryl until I KNEW they were real contractions, so I just got up and walked around. I called my mom and talked to her for a while, drank some water, used the bathroom, and laid down. Well, I woke up four hours later, so being able to sleep through them means...NOT REAL. Darn! But that's ok. She's just not quite ready!! Saturday we went and visited mom and dad and had dinner. They are SO SO SO excited about their granddaughter's arrival! Dad got excited because he got to feel Cam have the hiccups again haha. So funny  :) We relaxed the rest of the weekend and did ALOT OF NOTHING Sunday. Great day :)

Monday I got a nice little visit from Melissa, one of my good friends, and her one month old baby girl, Addison. Melissa looks awesome! and Addi is just too frieken adorable!! Makes me super excited and anxious!!

TUESDAY was our big day...appointment day! We went in wondering if I would be sent on to the hospital....and, nope. I won't lie, I was a LITTLE bummed out. But, in reality I guess it's a good thing. My BP was much better, 132/82, and my swelling has gone down. Camryn was all over the place during my NST, and she looks great. I got checked (OUCH) and I am now 1cm dilate and 50% effaced!! WooHoo for progress! We got the offical paper that says "Scheduled induction" we are meeting our little Camryn on Sunday, October 30! STOKED!! I got crampy afterwards, however, but I kept thinking I wanted to go do a few errands. We finished up my mom's Christmas gift and by the time we were done at the store, I felt like I was going to drop a watermelon out of my belly. So needless to say, we left and I went home and napped!!!!!

Then here we are, back at Wednesday morning. I got up and after I showered, I was crampy. After thinking about it, I won't go into super details (no telling who reads this lol), but I am pretty positive I lost my mucous plug this morning around 0645. So, I am hoping that is a good sign!! We will see...I would LOVE to go into labor on my own and not be induced.

Annnnywho, I wanted to get this written in case I do head to the hospital before planned. So, at the next blog, I will either be heading to the hospital or posting pics of my baby girl!! See ya later!!! <3

**How far along? 37w5d down now, only 4 days left now!!

**Total weight gain/loss: +1 lbs... good news for me!! (With the rate that I was gaining in the middle, I have kept my weight gain wayyy lower than I thought it would end up being. So I am proud!! haha)

**How Big is Baby?  She wass measuring 8lbs & 38w5d at 37weeks!! Big girl!!
**Maternity clothes? Good Lord yes. I'm growing out of them through the belly area though. haha

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> hahaha YUP. Whatever.

**Best moment this week: Just hearing her heartbeat again and finding out that I am progressing!!

**Movement: Yupp...they're slowing down a little because she's running out of room!!
**Food cravings: Orange Juice <3 and peaches again.

**Nausea/vomitting? Not really...just some headaches.

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: Crazy cramping and some back pains....nothing regular though.

**Belly Button in or out? It's an inny-outty now...depending on what she's doing in there!
**Sleep: Up every 2hours (or more) to go pee... I can't sleep for more than 2hrs on one side or it gets stiff and I hurt really bad. Also, I wake up and my fingers hurt sooo bad. I have pregnancy carpal tunnel  :(

*37 WEEKS*

Well here we are at 37 weeks... FULL TERM!!

The above picture is of me at a craft shop, shopping (very quickly, bc I get tired very easily) with Momma. I look hugeeee!!

Well, this past week was my very first full, official week out of work since I got taken out. It was ok at first, but now I am starting to get a little stir crazy. I am trying to find productive things to do that aren't hard on me. I get tired really easily and take a lot of naps, which is nice. It feels sometimes, when I am sitting on the couch just watching tv or whatever, that Camryn is trying to 'claw her way out'... it's like a grating feeling in my lower pelvis region. Strange, but I was told that it is her head just descending to get ready for birth!! So, that's fine with me then  :)

Mom went to VA Beach last weekend to visit Kristen, my sister, and I did get a little nervous about her being far away. Thankfully, nothing happened! Dad's Christmas gift came in and that is ready to go, and we are just waiting on mom's to come in now. Trying to get this stuff together before our little one's arrival!!

Well, then came the appointment on some good news!! Daryl had class all day and is trying to not miss any since she will be coming so soon, so he went on and mom went with me to our appointment. We got there and my BP was 153/99, then she retook it and it was 155/105. NOT GOOD. The nurse tried to start preaching to me about what to eat and what to not eat...and I just looked at her like she was a retard. I'm thinking 'Look lady, I had this condition before pregnancy, and I eat very well. LEAVE ME ALONE'. So, I think she kind of got the message. The NST went well and Miss Camryn was very active!! We had an US too, to check her growth. She is measuring 8lbs and 38w5d!! Big girl for being only 37 weeks!! But I love chubby babies :)  Oh yeah...and she has hair!! Cannot WAIT to meet her!! ...thennnn we went and saw the doctor. She was not happy with my blood pressure again, so she decided to hold off on checking my cervix this week since there was no progress last week. Then she said the magic words to me "I think we are going to go ahead and schedule an induction for you because of these blood pressures." So, we are scheduled for induction on Sunday, October 30, 2011!! Soooo stoked!! She gave me a prescription for Fioricet, which will help with the horrible headaches I have been having lately, too (and when I say lately, I mean pretty much daily, 2-3x per day, in fact).

Well, here are the updates for the week...see ya next week...the last few days before Camryn arrives!!

**How far along? 37 down now, only 9 days left now!!

**Total weight gain/loss: -2 lbs... good news for me!!

**How Big is Baby?  She is measuring 8lbs & 38w5d!! Big girl!!
**Maternity clothes? Good Lord yes. I'm growing out of them through the belly area though. haha

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable... holler at some Mederma post-partum!

**Best moment this week: Hearing her heartbeat and finding out that we are being induced Oct 30!! <3

**Movement: Yupp...they're slowing down a little because she's running out of room!!
**Food cravings: Orange Juice <3 and pumpkin pie. haha

**Nausea/vomitting? Yeah nausea and headaches together  :(

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks still... sometimes I think they're actually contractions, but not regular.

**Belly Button in or out? It's an inny-outty now...depending on what she's doing in there!
**Sleep: Up every 2hours (or more) to go pee... I can't sleep for more than 2hrs on one side or it gets stiff and I hurt really bad. Also, I wake up and my fingers hurt sooo bad. I have pregnancy carpal tunnel  :(

**Some of Camryn's Nursery**

Here are some updated pics of Camryn's nursery!! Enjoy!!

Camryn's wall in her nursery, above her crib!!

Camryn's bassinet that she'll be sleeping in for the first few months!!

This is the dress that I came home in from the hospital, 25 years ago!!
And... it is also the dress that Camryn will wear home :)

*36 weeks*

Sooo much happened this week, 36 weeks!! So few weeks left, and getting so excited!!

Well, here I am, about to run a few quick errands...trying to get a little more use out of my maternity scrub pants before I don't need them anymore!!   :)

Well, this past Thursday (I guess this kind of runs into the last post), I had a HORRIFIC headache that I just couldn't shake. I took Tylenol, put cool rags on my head, walked around...nothing helped. So, I called the nursing supervisor at midnight and called in sick to work for Friday. I felt so awful and laid around all day. I couldn't kick that headache. I rested alot over the weekend and just watched football with my hubby.

Monday I was put on call until noon, and Daryl and I put up Camryn's wall mural (you'll see it in the next post...sooo pretty!). They called me in to work at noon and I worked half the day. Tuesday we stayed home and did a lot of nothing. I worked again Wednesday and just felt really slow. I had a headache again and felt really tired, but I kept on truckin'! Then, come Thursday, here's where it gets interesting...

Thursday morning, Daryl and I got up and went on to our 36week appointment. I got there and felt fine, but when I stepped on the scale just before they hooked me up to the monitor for my NST, I actually gained 6lbs! I thought to myself, 'This cannot be good'. I didn't say anything yet, gave them my urine sample, and sat down for the monitoring. When the nurse took my blood pressure, Daryl's jaw read 157/102. I said "That can't be right...check it again in a few minutes". She did, and it read 164/104. I knew that was bad news. The NST went great though, and Cam was super active! Once it was over, we headed over to talk to my doctor...

She came in to talk to me, and her first words were "So we're taking you out of work and putting you on bedrest, girl!" I knew it. I didn't want to go out yet, but I know it's what is best for Camryn and me. (I had trace protein in my urine, high BP, gained alot of weight, and my hands and feet/legs were swollen...also the headaches and nausea...all are signs of preeclampsia.) They checked me and NO PROGRESS...No dilation or effacement and her head is still reallllly high. UGH. I was so frustrated  :( But they then rechecked my BP and it was 128/78. Much better. So, they sent me for PIH labs and I have to do a 24hr urine before my next appt to check me for preeclampsia. Then, home I went. I called my manager and she was very understanding. So, my last day of work was October 13, and I return to work January 7...just very happy that I get to be out with my baby girl and hubby through the whole holiday season! I am so blessed!!

Other notes...I have been very crampy and just keep hoping!! I hope she holds out until full term (next week), then I am READY!! Daryl finished packing for the hospital and her carseat is ready to go in the car! We just cannot wait now :)

Here are week 36's stats...see ya next FULL TERM!! :)

**How far along? 36 down now, 4 or less to go!!

**Total weight gain/loss: +6 lbs... I am showing signs of preeclampsia...ergo, bedrest. Ugh.

**How Big is Baby?  I don't know right now. We'll see next week at our 37wk US...They say ATLEAST 6lbs by now...I think she's bigger!! haha
**Maternity clothes? Good Lord yes. I'm growing out of them through the belly area though. haha

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable... holler at some Mederma post-partum!

**Best moment this week: Hearing her heartbeat again on the NST...that never gets old  :*)

**Movement: Yupp...all the time and I love it!! They're starting to hurt though... feels like she is trying to stretch out and well, there's just not enough room in there. So, I say, if ya come on out baby girl, you can stretch then!! hehe
**Food cravings: Just ICE COLD WATER. Again.

**Nausea/vomitting? Yeah nausea and headaches together  :(

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks still... sometimes I think they're actually contractions, but not regular.

**Belly Button in or out? It's an inny-outty now...depending on what she's doing in there!
**Sleep: Up every 2hours (or more) to go pee... I can't sleep for more than 2hrs on one side or it gets stiff and I hurt really bad. Also, I wake up and my fingers hurt sooo bad. I have pregnancy carpal tunnel  :(

*35 weeks*

Ohhhh hey 35 weeks!! 5 weeks or less now!!


This past week was sort of a blur...went by pretty fast. I had 5 days off (Thursday through Monday), and I thoroughly enjoyed it!! Daryl and I went with mom on Sunday to MawMaw and PawPaw's to visit. It was nice, having lunch and visiting with them! I hope things get better for them. PawPaw's Alzheimer's isn't getting any better, as he had to ask my mom who I was a few times  :(  Afterwards, we went to Babies R Us and got a few things, and Mom insisted that Daryl and I need a bottle steamer for YET AGAIN, momma bought it for us. She's so amazing!!<3 We got home sort of late, and I was more than ready to hit the couch!!

Monday, Daryl had school and I sat at home pondering childcare options for after I go back to work. I called 2 babysitters around the area and they both had no openings, so I called the daycare Little Feats and spoke with the owner. She said they have no openings but that one will open up in January. So, as long as Daryl and I could pay first week's tuition by the end of the week, we could hold the slot. NO PROBLEM!!!  :)

Well, I worked Tuesday and Wednesday, and same 'ol same 'ol. Swollen feet, sleepy... yeah yeah.

Thursday wasur next doctor's appt. Before the appt, Daryl and I did a dry run to the hospital from the highway so we'd know how to get there. We met up with a girlfriend of mine who actually works in L&D at Virginia Baptist (where I am delivering), who is ALSO due in a few weeks and she showed us around the unit!! It's very pretty! Then we had our appt. My NST went well... I am actually having contractions every few minutes, but as long as they still don't hurt, I am good to go. Cam's HR is still great and my BP was 120/76. My doctor is so pleased with my progress, as am I!!

I got all my winter clothes out and put away the summer clothes this week, too. Feels AWESOME to do that, because this is most definitely my favorite time of year!!...and this also means that it is getting close to time to meet our little baby girl<3

Here are this week's stats...see ya at 36!!!

**How far along? 35 down now, 5 or less to go!!

**Total weight gain/loss: No weight gain this week...I actually lost a pound!

**How Big is Baby?  I don't know right now. We'll see in 2 weeks at our 37wk Ultrasound! But, she FEELS big!!
**Maternity clothes? Good Lord yes. I'm growing out of them through the belly area though. haha

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable.

**Best moment this week: Hearing her heartbeat again on the NST...that never gets old  :*)

**Movement: Yupp...all the time and I love it!! They're starting to hurt though. Hiccups 2x per day...when I wake up and at 5ish at night!

**Food cravings: Just ICE COLD WATER

**Nausea/vomitting? Just a little nausea.

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: Hmm I don't think so yet...

**Belly Button in or out? It's an inny-outty now haha
**Sleep: Up every 2hours (or more) to go pee...roly poly Bonnie. HaHa But seriously, sleeping is sooo hard.

*34 weeks*

34 weeks!! 6 or less now, no matter what!!

Looks like I am hiding a pumpkin under my shirt!!

In the picture above, I just turned 34 weeks and decided it was time for a change...I got my hair cut into the inverted bob and lowlighted for the fall season!! I LOVE IT!!

I'm not going to lie, and since it is my blog, and I am going to whine just a little. The past week was rough on me. I worked the weekend, then off Monday, then back on Tuesday and Wednesday. On my one day off, Monday, Daryl had school, so I decided that maybe it was time to write our thank you notes for all the wonderful family and friends who have given us gifts for our baby girl! Well, talk about pregnancy carpal tunnel! My right middle and ring finger were stiff and hurt so bad!! Then we ran a few errands and hit the hay. I worked the next two days and was so swollen. I got a flu shot Tuesday during the day, but come Tuesday night, I got home and just sat on the edge of the bed and rocked myself. I really thought I was having contractions and was in pain. I called the OB dept at the hospital where I work and talked to them... they suggested I drink alot of water and try to rest. I did, but did not feel so great Wednesday morning. We discharged the one kiddo we had, and I went and laid down in an open room for the rest of the day. Knowing I had 5 days off coming up was veryyyyy relieving! I know that I definitely won't be doing a schedule like that for the rest of this pregnancy!

Small note: Annoying sinuses!! They keep kicking nasal drip, watery eyes. Ugh!!

I had a doctor's appt on Thursday NST went great! Cam's heartbeat stays around 140 and my blood pressure was 108/64! I didn't gain any weight, and felt just much better that day. My doctor still doesn't like the swelling in my legs/ankles, but seems content with my progress right now. I am still hoping this little girl comes around 38 weeks...I am sooo ready to meet her!! Then having the holidays with my family....ahh, so excited!!

My friend Melissa had her little girl, Addison, this week. Such a precious little thing!! She did great and is doing wonderful! We are planning on going to visit them soon  :)

Well, here are this week's good 'ol stats!! See ya at 35...

**How far along? 34 down, 6 or less to go!!

**Total weight gain/loss: No weight gain this week!

**How Big is Baby?  I don't know right now. We'll see in a few weeks at our 37wk Ultrasound.
**Maternity clothes? Good Lord yes. I'm growing out of them through the belly area though. haha

**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable.

**Best moment this week: Hearing her heartbeat again on the NST...that never gets old  :*)

**Movement: Yupp...all the time and I love it!! Hiccups 2x per day...when I wake up and at 5ish at night!

**Food cravings: Uhmm, was really excited about wings this week haha

**Nausea/vomitting? Nope!

**Gender: BABY Camryn <3

**Labor Signs: No, but I thought I did and it was really scary!

**Belly Button in or out? Starting to kind of pop out a little!
**Sleep: Up every 2hours to go pee...roly poly Bonnie. HaHa