Here's my hubby and the pups, watching the Reds game!! The usual <3

Daryl and I met in November of 2008 while he was in the USMC. I knew by Christmas, when he took me to meet his family in Cincinnati, that I was going to marry him...We became engaged 7 months after we started dating, the day I moved to North Carolina. We then got married in June of 2010, and moved to VA in October of 2010...We decided to start trying to become preganant in February, and found out *March 3, 2011* that I was!!..*~Here is the journey of little Miss Camryn Prewitt~*...
Baby Prewitt
**29 weeks**
Well, here's to the last week of my pregnancy in "the 20's"! Almost to 30 weeks now!
I look a little 'out of it'. I wasn't feeling so great on that day!!
This week went by at a pretty decent rate...Saturday, Mom came over after she got her stylish new hairdo, and hung out with us for a bit. We watched 'The Santa Clause 3' and talked...and yes, it was a Christmas movie haha. LOVE that time of year, and it's almost here! Just 4 months or so, to be exact! Cannot wait until I can hold my baby girl on my chest and watch those movies! Ahhh so excited! Ok, so later, we went to Belk and got Cam a few more outfits (some newborn, even though I know she won't be in them long) and then went to lunch. Great day :)
Monday was my doctor's appt...3d/4d UltraSound and Glucose Test. (It was Daryl's first day of fall classes so he couldn't miss school, so Mom went with me!) Incase ya missed the last blog, I passed the test just fine and got to see my sweet baby girl on the big screen...and she is BEAUTIFUL!! It's so amazing what technology can do!! And since she was being a tad stubborn and kept putting her fists in front of her face, we get to do another 3d/4d at my 30 week appt on Fri, Sept 2!! So excited!! My blood pressure was 138/76 and my uterus meaured 29.5...and Camryn is now 3lb!! Measuring right on and just perfect!! And of course, we grabbed lunch afterwards and went shopping and got Cammie some new stuff...again. HaHa.
The rest of the week was just yadayada. Worked Tuesday, which was VERY rough...with all the kids going back to school, they're all coming in sick now. So, we were superrrr busy. Thursday I took my PALS (pediatric advanced lift support) recertification class and passed just fine, which is a relief. Then Friday was, yet again, a CRAZY day at work. Atleast we're in business, though!! I woke up Friday morning with a pretty sore throat and just felt yucky. Daryl wasn't feeling so great either...I think the allergies are kicking in. I kept Halls on me all day. Poor thing, he had a bad migraine. We're going to go to the doctor's this coming week if possible to get him some meds as needed for migraines. We talked about it and definitely don't want him having a migraine while I am in labor!! Wouldn't be good :( So I will keep you updated on that!!
Well, not a whole lot else to say about the rest of the week, sooo here's the updates!!
**How far along? 29 down, 11ish to go!!
**Total weight gain/loss: +1 this week too bad!!
**How Big is Baby? She's measuring in at 3lbs...appx 16.7" long!
**Maternity clothes? Yupper. And noooo other.
**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable.
**Best moment this week: Seeing my beautiful girl on the 3D/4D UltraSound!
**Movement: Yupp...I can definitely feel the 'hard' an elbow, or knee, or butt...and sometimes it hurts!!
**Food cravings: Hmmm...Milk?? Andddd spaghetti.
**Nausea/vomitting? Nope!
**Gender: BABY Camryn <3
**Labor Signs: Nope
**Belly Button in or out? I think it wants to pop out, but can't for some reason haha
**Sleep: Up every 3hours to go pee... and it's probably only going to get worse!
*~ 28week Appt & 3D/4D US ~*
Quick mid-week update...
On Monday, August 22, I had my 28week appt!! I passed my glucose test (woohoo!!) and everything looked great!! My belly is measuring 29.5, and my BP was good. Only gained +7 from the last appt (4.5 weeks ago), and the doctor was very happy with my progress!! Cam's heartbeat remains strong and she is just a kickin'!! Daryl and I decided it would be cool to get a 3d/4d UltraSound done (since we decided against the maternity pictures)!! Camryn was not being very cooperative, as she kept putting her hands in front of her face...I drank the glucose drink, which was not as bad as I have heard, and laid on my left side. 5 minutes later, the US tech put the wand on my belly and there was my beautiful girl!! Since we only got 2 or 3 good pics, we get to go back next Friday at my 30 week appt and get ANOTHER 3d/4d for FREE!! AWESOME!! Below are the two really good pics we got!!!
I will post next week's once we get them!! Ain't she just sooo purdy?? <3
**28 weeks!**
Week 28!! Just 12 or so more weeks togo!!
I thought this pic was neat because it shows the belly!! Next week I'll do a more "full body" pic!!
This past week, I'd have to say, was a pretty good one!! Not too much going on, but my sweet girl was SUPER active!! She seems to get the hiccups alot...they only last about 3 mins or so, but they're so cute! She kicks everywhere! I told Daryl that I have heard that if he puts his head on my belly and listens for a minute, he may be able to hear her he did. And WHAM!! Camryn kicked him in the head! He looked at me wide wide eyes and I just started cracking up, then he did too!! It was hilarious!! She is gonna be a handful! HaHa
I worked all weekend, then Monday, I woke up first thing and my belly was superrr hard. I was slightly crampy and realized BRAXTON HICKS! Crazy! I ate a little and drank alot of water, and then Daryl and I went and bought the PERFECT diaper bag. It is Vera Bradley and it's the color wine. BEA-utiful!!! Then we went and checked out a daycare near the hospital called Little Feats...we really liked it!! Good price, good hours...we don't want to send her AT ALL, but not much choice. Then we ran more errands, and here we go...I had another low blood sugar attack while we were grocery shopping. I mean...I was shaky, sweating, confused. Daryl made me open up a candy bar and eat it and we paid for it when we got to the register. I just cannot NOT eat for 4hrs like I try to... it's not good for Cam and me. We went and got lunch afterwards and I felt much better. It's a scary thing, though....and I KNOW BETTER!!!
I didn't swell quite as bad this week, but I rested alot. Third trimester sleepiness is starting to kick in. I'm tired ALL THE TIME! I love to nap. lol.12 hour shifts still get me, but I am determined to hold on until ATLEAST 37 weeks, if I don't have her before (hopefully not!). I REALLY want to be on maternity leave through the holidays so as long as I can stay in work full time until October 15, I will be good to go through January 8!! So, I'm holding on!!
Daryl has been amazing. He has painted like no other and he helps me SOO much. I am so blessed to have a husband like him. Once my butt hits the couch, he barely lets me get up. If I go to get up to use the bathroom (which is very often), and he sees me roly polying my way off the couch, he immediately helps and asks if he can get me anything. He is so wonderful and is going to be an AMAZING daddy :)
Well, our 28 week appt is Monday, August 22, so I will put a little update on here that night!! See ya then!!
**How far along? 28 down, 12ish to go!!
**Total weight gain/loss: +1 this week!! Go me!!
**How Big is Baby? Getting bigger!! Over 2.5 lbs and 15.75" long now!! (Like a squash)
**Maternity clothes? Oh yeahhhhh. Might have to upgrade the length of my shirts soon haha. Belly sticks out from the bottom of all my tshirts (and Daryl's)!!
**Stretch marks? <sighs>> It's inevitable.
**Best moment this week: When she kicked Daryl in the head! We laughed sooo hard!! heehee
**Movement: Yupp!! ALL THE TIME now!!! And I LOVE IT!!
**Food cravings: Hmmm...PIZZA, like usual. haha
**Nausea/vomitting? Nope!
**Gender: BABY Camryn <3
**Labor Signs: Nope...Braxton Hicks Contractions, though!
**Belly Button in or out? Gets flatter all the time!!
**Sleep: Up every 3hours to go pee... and it's probably only going to get worse!
**Nursery -In the Works-**
Here is Miss Camryn's nursery *in the works*!! Still sooo much to do, but the biggest parts are done!! Just little decorating left!!
Dresser and vase with a bouquet Daryl and I put together!! And yes, the dresser is COMPLETELY FULL with Newborn, 0-3months, and 3-6months individual onesies and soft cotton pants. The closet has all the sleepers and cute 'going out' outfits :)
Ok, so these baskets are holding all of Camryn's headbands, flower attachments for the headbands, and her beanies. (We have a brown wicker basket set on our registry, that includes a hamper, trashcan, etc, that I hope we get so it will match these!!) But yeah, all of these head accessories are necessary for a little girl!!! TeeHee!! Daryl thinks I've lost it!! :)
This is Camryn's Vera Bradley diaper bag (it's a 'Wine' color, and it's BEAUTIFUL, but you can't tell because it clashes with the paint color). The little black bag is just a little cosmetic type bag that fits down in the diaper bag....more so for me!! HaHa. We LOVED this bag!!!
Camryn's beautiful crib with bedding! LOTS to do to that wall...but this is a sneak peek!!
Another pic of her crib and bedding :)
Changing table and rocker <3
Sooo yeah. Her closet. And we haven't had a Baby Shower yet. lol. I just can't help but buy anything cute that I see!! And thanks to Auntie Steph Urban for our extra carseat!!
*27 weeks*
27 weeks...which means, 3rd TRIMESTER FOR THIS MOMMA!!!
So this week was a realy good one!! Saturday was one of my best friend's baby showers!! Daryl stayed home and cleaned up and prepared for his friend, Zach, to come visit for a few days. After the shower, Mom and I, along with my Aunt Debbie and cousin Dawn, headed to Williamsburg to the outlets to go baby shopping!! Oh. My. Gosh. I was in heaven!! Everything was on sale, plus it was tax free weekend, so my baby girl got SOOO MANY NEW OUTFITS!!! I spent around $250, but she got like 10 new outfits, a coat, gowns, and 3 pairs of shoes (including pink Converse)! We had a blast!!! I was gone from about 9am until feet were soooo fat and swollen and my body hurt when I got home, but it was worth it!! Sunday morning, Zach arrived and stayed for three days...Daryl was pretty happy to have a friend around :) Steph and Tim Urban came out to our house and we cooked out. Nice little Sunday!!
I started getting pretty worried at work on Monday morning because I hadn't felt much movement from Camryn since early Saturday morning. I talked to a few friends and they assured me that it was normal. Later that day...she was WIDEEEE OPEN. Thank the Lord!! But then, oddly, I developed a rash...kind of hive-like, just on my belly. Weird, huh?? I decided to wait to see if it went away... I worked Tuesday, too, and the hives were still there. I called the doctor's office and they instructed me to stop using the lotion I was using (Tummy Butter) and to get Cortizone cream and Benadryl. I did, and it helped the itching, but it's just an ugly rash!! I didn't wear my compression stockings Tuesday because they come up high on my belly and I figured that might irritate my hives...sooo, my feet were VERY swollen come Tuesday night!! Wowza!!
Wednesday we got our replacement baby furniture (and they took back the damaged pieces). It's just BEAUTIFUL!! We got sooo excited that we took all Cam's clothes out and took the tags off and arranged them by colors. We went and got Ivory Snow detergent and washed them ALL on Thursday and put onesies/soft pants in drawers and hung up outfits and sleepers. Her room is sure coming along and it's beautiful!!
Daryl started painting Thursday, and it looks AMAZING. It really is coming along and now we can't wait for the hardwood floors!! Pictures to come next week!!
We are vigorously looking for the perfect babysitter/daycare arrangement. If Daryl can get his classes for just Tuesday and Thursday in the spring, I can ask to work EITHER Tuesday or Thursday and only have to take Cam one day per week. So, Momma is trying to decide if she can go to 4 days per week at work...I am surely praying!! It'd be amazing!!
Well, let's see. This week... I got lots of rest!! We set our baby shower was going to be October 1, but now it's September 11, a Sunday. It's the day after my cousin's wedding so alot of my family will be here from out of town!! Pretty excited...just 4 weeks away!! Well, here are the weekly fun facts...see ya at 28, with 3D/4D Ultrasound pictures and news on my glucose test!!
**How far along? 27 down, 13ish to go!!
**Total weight gain/loss: +3 AGAIN. Total weight gain so far= ENOUGH.
**How Big is Baby? Getting bigger!! Over 2lb and 15" long now!!
**Maternity clothes? Oh yeahhhhh.
**Stretch marks? Yup...they're soo ugly :(
**Best moment this week: After her lull...when she started REALLLLLY kicking!!!
**Movement: Yupp!! Still mostly after meals and late at night.
**Food cravings: Hmmm...sadly, just junk food. Bad girl, I know.
**Nausea/vomitting? Not really?
**Gender: BABY GIRL!!!
**Labor Signs: Nope
**Belly Button in or out? It's just flat??
**Sleep: Up every 3hours to go pee... and it's probably only going to get worse!
*26 weeks*
Me at 26 weeks!! Bout to go to a baby shower and then go shoppppping for my little princess!!! <3
Soooo, this past week FLEW by. That's probably why I am writing my blog late...because so much seems to be going on right now!!
Work this past week was just same 'ol. Nothing too exciting except that I got really tired at work and ate lunch super late every day. Yeah yeah. The compression stockings are realllly helping me! I do still get swollen ankles, but they are sooo much worse if I go without wearing them at work!
I'm not going to lie..I ate horrible this week. It was kind of a "eat whatever I want that is in sight" kind of week. Eeek. That is probably why I gained 3lbs. :( Sorry, poor body! I LOVEEE pizza for some reason!! I could eat it everyday if possible!!
Saturday, Daryl, Mom, and I went to a play called 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels' in Richmond for Daryl's theater class. It, surprisingly was pretty good!! He had to write a paper for it so it was sort of a necessity! We of course went to lunch and did a little shopping afterwards, and Cam got NEW clothes. Go figure!! haha This baby girl has more clothes than Daryl and me combined!! Daryl finished his online classes Friday and is SOOO relieved!! And, SO AM I!! haha
We went Friday and interviewed our babysitter, Charity! She is such a sweetheart and I know we will be so thrilled with her. She is a pediatric nurse that I used to work with. She had her baby girl in February and decided to not come back to work afterwards, so I asked it she'd be interested in babysitting for us once or twice a week starting this January. If Daryl can get his classes on just Tues and Thurs, it will only be one day per week!! So, that would be good for us!!
Well, there's just not alot to say about this here are the small details. See ya at 27!!
**How far along? 26 down, 14ish to go!!
**Total weight gain/loss: +3 lb this week. Ugh. Making up for last week I guess.
**How Big is Baby? She is growing like it's her job!! 2 lbs and 14 inches long!!
**Maternity clothes? Oh yeah...and I'm about to reitre my tshirts lol. They all show my belly!!
**Stretch marks? is what it is.
**Best moment this week: Just her PROFOUND kicking!!!! :)
**Movement: Yupp!! Mostly after meals and late at night still!! Kicks, punches, jabs, flips!!
**Food cravings: PIZZA
**Nausea/vomitting? Just the usual indigestion!!
**Gender: BABY GIRL!!!
**Labor Signs: Nope
**Belly Button in or out? It's just flat??
**Sleep: Not quite as good this week :( DEFINITELY not on my back...I can't breathe!! Daryl says I struggle to breathe on my back, actually!! And it scares him...poor thing!!!
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