Baby Prewitt

*20 WEEKS*

WOO HOO!! We are 20 weeks...and halfway through the pregnancy!!
This picture was taken at 0645 on 6/24/11, right before we left for our doctor's appointment!!

You know, I'd like to say that pregnancy has really dragged, but it definitely hasn't! Maybe from when I first found out to say, 11 or 12 weeks...but after that, it has FLOWN by! So much happens in the 'teens' of pregnancy and once you find out what you are having, there are a TON of things that you can do to occupy your time! Since last week, we have ordered Camryn's crib bedding, blankets, receiving blankets, her whole crib set (crib, changing table, and dresser), and to say the least...a LOT of pretty clothes! It's realllly hard to not just 'pick up' an outfit for her whenever we go to Target, WalMart, etc. So, needless to say, her closet is just getting fuller and bigger by the day!! Below is a picture of her closet *so far*, since we found out that SHE is a SHE, one week ago!!

This past week was rough for work. I worked Monday, but was put on call on Wednesday because we did not have any sick patients. Now, I don't wish sickness upon any kids, but I really need to work so that Daryl and I can finish paying off a few things before our baby girl arrives!! I did get called in at 9am on Thursday morning to work, but they floated me up to Med/Surg, which was difficult for me...alot of pushing and pulling and 'wiping' and stuff...uhmmm, working with 90 year olds is definitey NOT my thing. I prefer young kids and babies! <3 Needless to say, I had cankles again Thursday night. BIG FAT ones, too. Daryl feels super bad for me, and always wants to rub my feet and ankles when they're like that. They do look pretty bad.

Alright, I broke down and ordered my maternity scrubs! Had to be done! They should come in this weekend! My regular ones just won't stay above my belly and they roll down under it...poor baby girl kicks me pretty hard when that happens. It must be uncomfortable for her :( SORRY BABY!!

Well, our 20 week appt was Friday, the 24th. This should have been where we found out her sex, but we already know it was a check up for my blood pressure, which was 138/82. My doctor is ok with that for now, but is still keeping a close eye on it. She still wants me to eat every 2hrs and rest whenever I can. She explained the pulling/aching sensation I get in my lower left abdomen is, yet again, round ligament pain and that it is VERY normal...but talk about OUCH!! It's alright thought...I'll take that pain as long as my uterus is continuing to grow for our baby girl   :) Oh..and Daryl really likes my doc, Dr. that's definitely a PLUS. She explains things and talks to both of us, not just me. So he feels really included.

Welp, here's this past weeks information...see ya at week 21 folks!!

**How far along? 20 weeks...halfway!!

**Total weight gain/loss: 19lbs...whatever. I asked my doctor AGAIN and she's not concerned about it. She told me it was alot of fluid from being so hot out and pointed to my cankles haha. She thinks Cammie and I are doing I am happy!
**How Big is Baby? 6.4 inches long and 11oz...she was 11oz last week at 19 weeks, so I am sure she's bigger now! She is comparable to the size of a cantaloupe! WooHoo!!
**Maternity clothes? Most definitely...just bought more capris and shirts!
**Stretch marks? Unfortunately, yes...but they are the "battle wounds of pregnancy". I'll take that! haha
**Best moment this week: We got the Cracked Red Pepper Crab soup from Charley's restaurant...she went CRAZY in there afterwards!! Too spicy for her? She's her father's child!! haha
**Movement: The bigger, defined movements...but she stops when I put my hand on my belly...I still can't wait to feel it with my hand now!!

**Food cravings: Chocolate milk and Starburst jelly beans!

**Nausea/vomitting? Just the usual indigestion

**Gender: BABY GIRL!!!

**Labor Signs: Nope

**Belly Button in or out? In...but it's not as deep as it used to be?

**Sleep: Pretty good these days!!

**It's a....GIRL!!!**

So, as I announced in the previous blog post, we are havning a BABY GIRL!! The anatomy scan was perfect, all organs there and forming as they should!! The Ultrasound technician gave us LOTS of pictures and even a video of the whole ultrasound (I'm going to figure out how to load that and get it on here!) Below you will see some pictures of our beautiful baby girl!!

*Camryn's Crib Bedding*

Well, today we ordered Ms. Camryn's crib bedding!! I really wanted a relaxing lavender nursery theme at first, and Daryl wanted bright and showy, so we compromised and found one that is a little of both! Plus, this set that we found will be great with the wall decoration that we want!! If you look below, you'll see the crib bedding set and the wall decorations that go along with it!!

This is a peek at the crib bedding (not the crib) set that we ordered online from is called
"Tiddliwinks Mocha Ladybug". We ordered the matching dust ruffle, boa plush blanket, receiving blankets, and changing pad cover! We LOVE it! Should receive it in the next week!

And it arrived 4 days later!! It is even more beautiful in person!!

The tree wall decal that you see here is the one we are ordering for her room that will go right beside her crib (just pretend the couch is her crib). We are painting the walls a similar green that is the border of this picture, and the tree will be brown (as shown), but the flowers will be the light pink (as shown) and white. The blowing flowers will go right over the crib.

**We ordered her crib set as well, but the JcPenney site will not let me copy and paste a picture.
Soo....if you go to, go to baby furniture packages, and it is:
"2nd Ed-Tori Room Package-- Crib+Changer+Dresser.. in Espresso".
Now, we REALLY can't wait to get that! Once we receive the set, we are heading to Lowe's to buy our paint and wall decal and baby girl's nursery will be well on its way!! <3

*There are lots of extras that go along with the bedding...a light plate, wall hangings, a hamper, diaper stacker, etc. We just ordered the main stuff for now, but will most likely be ordering the rest in the next 4 months until she arrives!! Spoiled rotten baby girl!! <3*

*-*19 WeEkS*-*


This is probably the ONLY bare-belly picture I will ever there ya go!!

So, this past weekend, Daryl and I had a great Saturday at our friend's house, Melissa and Jake, who are expecting their first baby, a girl, in September! We had a cookout at their house with two other great friends, Steph and Tim. We had kabobs on the grill and played some Catch Phrase...always a good time :) Love great friends!!

Sunday was mine and Daryl's ONE YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!! What?! ONE YEAR?! Wow...time FLEW by!! We did NOTHING...and it was AMAZING! We laid in bed, watched movies, giggled, and had chinese for dinner. It was probably the best day I could have asked for :) I am so blessed to have met him and have him in my life!!

I worked Wednesday...and here's where the week got interesting. About noon that day, I went to the bathroom and spotted a little bit. SCARED ME TO DEATH. I called the doctor's office and they told me to watch and make sure there is no more spotting and suggested it could be a 'popped cervical blood vessel'. Well, I was still worried, so I went upstairs to the OB dept and a nurse (friend of of the perks of being a nurse at at hospital!) did a doppler hearbeat so I could hear our baby...Heartbeat 157 bpm= Perfect! I felt alot better after I heard baby and called the doctor's I went on about my day and slept very good that night!!

Well, Thursday, Daryl had his final exam and I ran a few errands while he was taking it. I noticed baby wasn't very active today, but didn't think much because I am only 18w6d...I need to be a little more patient~! We got back home around 1pm and I went to the bathroom (full bladder= story of my life)...and yet again, I had some spotting. Ok...I was HYSTERICAL. I was bawling and told Daryl something was wrong. He grabbed my phone immediately and called the doctor. They got me in for an emergency UltraSound that day at 2:15pm. We pretty much jumped in the car and rushed there. Once we got there, they got me in the US room within 10 mins and checked my cervix...3-4cm thick and closed tight (they told me I have "Superwoman cervix")! So no worry there...then the tech put the wand on my belly...and there was our beautiful baby!! Moving around like crazy, it was such a relief! The US tech went ahead and did the full anatomy scan since it was going to be done the next week anyways...we saw baby's heart, kidneys. bladder, nose, lips, brain, was amazing!! Then, she said "Well, SHE looks great..." And typed "I'm a girl!!!" on the screen!! I looked at Daryl and he grinned and said "Oh. My. Gosh. I have a daughter." Best moment of my life..(so far...)!! My blood pressure was high, of course, so they want to see me back again next weekend at the original appt date to check it. My doctor doesn't seem worried about me...she told me to eat lots of fiber, drink lots of water, and "don't strain". Well, ok, easier said then done right now ;) HaHa. We left the doc's office and went shopping immediately!! Got lots of pink stuff and Daryl had a ball!!


**How far along? 19 weeks!!

**Total weight gain/loss: 17lbs...whatever. I asked my doctor and she's not concerned about it, and said "Bonnie, some people just gain more weight at different times" So, I'm done worrying about it! (Atleast I didn't gain anymore since last week)

**How Big is Baby? 6in long and 8.5 oz...well, our baby girl measured 11oz!! ((The tech told me to hold out my hand and imagine baby's head resting on my wrist, body in the palm and on fingers, and legs hanging over the end...kinda neat!!))

**Maternity clothes? Most definitely...even scrubs getting tight!! Time to buy some maternity scrub pants!!

**Stretch marks? Unfortunately, yes...ewww. But no new ones!

**Best moment this week: Feeling the defined movement...she went crazy after I ate pesto pasta and with Starburst jelly beans!!

**Movement: The bigger, defined movements... can't wait to feel it with my hand now!!

**Food cravings: Uhmm, nothing really??

**Nausea/vomitting? Just the usual indigestion

**Gender: BABY GIRL!!!

**Labor Signs: No way!!

**Belly Button in or out? In   :)

**Sleep: Piece of cakeeee!!

*18 WeEkS*

Here's the belly!! Sorry it isn't a face shot...I just got out of the shower!! :)

Week 18...just two more weeks until we find out...BoY or GiRl?!?!

Well, the past week I would honestly say was pretty rough for me. I am guessing all these pregnancy hormones are getting the best of me, because the smallest thing someone can say to me just makes me cry. Work was better because we weren't as busy this week. My obstetrician called me back from last week and wrote me a note saying that she does not want me to work 3--12 hour shifts in a row anymore until after the pregnancy is over. So, that's a little bit of a relief. I am trying to eat every 2hrs or so, just something small and nutritional, so that I can keep my energy up and not bottom out again, and it's helping!!

Today (Fri, June 10), was Daryl's college orientation. It was a lot of walking in the 100* heat, and well, "HEY CANKLES!!" Yup, my feet were once again all swollen and my beloved ankles disappeared into my calves. All of this just makes me fun. Once we got home, I ate fruit and drank alot of water and put my feet up.  Stupid me...I stepped on the scale and I have gone up 7 lbs since my 16 week appt...2 weeks ago. It makes me super upset to think that, but I know it's all water retention. I am trying to drink tons of water and reallllly watch the sodium intake because I don't want to keep retaining. If I've changed my habits at all it's been that I am just eating BETTER than I was a few weeks ago. So, that's all I can do. And I have GOT to stop going outside and doing things in this heat. It's bad news  :(

K, happy things now...I AM FEELING THE BABY MOVE!! He/she moved around ALOT on Thursday at was amazing! Then some throughout the day today, but I have noticed that I feel the movement when I am sitting up and sitting still, and not when I am walking around or laying down. So needless to say, I like to SIT alot. HeHe! I haven't felt it with my hand yet, but the movements only last for a second or two, and then go away. But they definitely aren't just flutters's real 'kicking' or 'punching' or 'swimming'! I loveeee it!

Tuesday was Daryl's birthday and we went out to dinner with my parents at Charley's Waterfront Restaurant (the people who catered our wedding). We had a GREAT time!! Happy 32nd birthday babe!! <3

Well, here are this week's updates...see you at week 19!! <3

**How far along? 18 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: Well, I am still retaining that water really bad, and my wedding rings have gotten pretty tight when I get hot outside...soo, I'll just put it like this. I have gone up 7lbs in 2.5 weeks since the last appt at 15w5d. The nurse told me over the phone that she is positive that 5lbs of that 7lbs is water retention... so in reality, it's pretty much 1lb per week...I guess that makes me feel better??

**How Big is Baby? 5.6 inches crown to rump, about 6.9 ounces! (A sweet potato!) I have read the baby can hear things from outside the womb at this point, so I try to sing and talk to him/her alot...I feel a little funny when I do it, but hey!!  :)

**Maternity clothes? Most definitely...still wearing my normal scrubs, but they might have to go soon too. And, my Dansko nurse shoes are officially retired for now...back to the Crocs!

**Stretch marks? Unfortunately, yes...ewww. But no new ones!

**Best moment this week: Feeling the movement...amazing!!

**Movement: The bigger movements... can't wait to feel it with my hand now!!

**Food cravings: Back to the cold cream, watermelon, cold water...

**Nausea/vomitting? Not this week!!

**Gender: Don't know yet... but we will know in 2 weeks!!

**Labor Signs: No way!!

**Belly Button in or out? In   :)

**Sleep: Getting a little better!!

*17 WeEkS*

About to head to work!!

Headed to dinner for Daryl's birthday!!

It's the beginning of a new week!! Week 17...hellooo  :)

Almost to the half-way point~ hard to believe, huh?! The past week has been busy busy busy bee!! Last weekend Daryl and I went to Lowe's and bought a bunch of bushes, flowers, and plants for our yard and a HUGE truck of mulch...we spent ALL day Saturday and Sunday outside digging the foundation for the flowerbed (well, HE did, I kinda just watched and brought whatever he needed...he wouldn't let me lift anything heavy), planting the flowers, and mulching. Then, on Sunday night, we went to my parents' house and had a little cookout for Memorial Day--burgers, hotdogs, green bean casserole, tater salad, veggies, and chocolate mousse pie. Talk about YUMMM!!! I was outside all weekend in the heat so my feet were soooo swollen!! Mom made me elevate them all night. haha... And, thanks be to my wonderful husband for spending 8 years of his life in the USMC. It's because of people like him that we are FREE<3

The rest of the week was kind of boring for me...I am working swing shift while transferring to day shift to get off of night shift, so I worked 3~ 13 hour shifts in a row...Tuesday day, then Wednesday and Thursday nights. For some reason, the nausea has decided to kick back in and I was NOT feeling well come Thursday morning. I didn't get much sleep that day(total of 4 hours), but I sucked it up and trotted into work (I don't call out sick unless my butt's on the way to the ER). At about 10pm at work, I had a little hypoglycemic incident and got really shaky an dizzy. My blood pressure was up and heartrate was high. The nurse supervisor came and checked me out, and made me relax, eat (I think I forgot to do that, haha), and put my feet up whenever I wasn't doing ankles had turned into cankles and well, that's just ewww. I laugh about it now, but that was a hard night!! Friday morning I got home and propped my feet up and slept...ALOT. Daryl didn't let me do anything and laid with me and scratched me back :) LOVE that man. Later on, I called and talked to the nurse at my OB-GYN's to let her know about how bad I felt Thursday night, and she is relaying my message to my doctor early Monday morning, then they are contacting me to let me know what they want me to do...possibly, decrease my hours to 8 hour shifts only, or writing a letter to make it so my 13 hour shifts can't be in a row. The nurse then told me to TAKE IT EASY all, I am!!

So, for the past week, I've been retaining water like crazy and had swollen feet...pretty much, cankles. Gross. I get really annoyed easily, people have just been aggravating's really probably nothing, but maybe I am just hormonal. Teehee. (Just tired of people telling me..."You're too early to have swollen feet" or "You shouldn't be feeling that yet"...Ok, ya know what, it's, my body, my little baby, and you have no clue what I do or don't feel. So leave me alone!!) Otherwise... I am happy as a clam :)

Here's the stats...see ya at week 18!! (3 more weeks till we find out...boy or girl?!?!)

**How far along? 17 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: Well, I'm not saying this week because I have retained alot of fluid and I think that's where alot of the increase came maybe I'll let you know at week 18!

**How Big is Baby? 5.3 inches crown to rump, about 5.5 ounces! (A grapefruit...) Baby would fit snuggly in the palm of your hand!!  :)

**Maternity clothes? Most definitely...still wearing my normal scrubs, but they might have to go soon too. And, my Dansko nurse shoes are getting, this is the 'not so fun' part of pregnancy!

**Stretch marks? Unfortunately, yes...ewww. But no new ones!

**Best moment this week: Feeling a little 'jab' right below my belly button...BABY!! A hugeeee smile just came across my face!

**Movement: The jabbing and flutters...waiting on  huge kick! Apparently, baby is doing summersaults in there, but I can't feel that yet!

**Food cravings: Nothing in particular, but strong cravings for food in general. I wake up STARVING!!

**Nausea/vomitting? Nausea came back a few days ago :(

**Gender: Don't know yet...Daryl keeps referring to baby as "her"?!

**Labor Signs: No way!!

**Belly Button in or out? In   :)
**Sleep: Getting a little better!!